View Full Version : Formation flight?

5th Jul 1999, 07:15
How is "formation flight" defined (ICAO/FAA/JAA/Other)? Does this definition have any overlap with the present visual appoaches to parallel or converging runways with inter-runway distances (especially in the parallel runway case) as close as 800 feet? Facts and opinions are welcome!

[This message has been edited by Narada (edited 05 July 1999).]

2 six 4
5th Jul 1999, 14:15
Formation flights are where the aircraft INTENTIONALLY fly together. Parallel runways don't quite come into this category -neither do airmisses !!

5th Jul 1999, 22:47
When two aircraft are on approach (to the different runways) and the trailing aircraft is told to follow the lead airplane (visually) which is going to land at the "other" parallel runway, they are "intentionally flying together" [i.e., the lead airplane can see the runways and the trail airplane can't yet, but is told to follow the lead visually].

It needs further explanation to nail down.

Noisy Hooligan
22nd Jul 1999, 10:26
Don't forget that for a formation flight, both captains must have agreed to formate prior to the flight, n'est pas ?

Wizz, Bang, Pop !