View Full Version : Work-Related Stress Survey

Civ Air 2
7th Oct 2004, 11:21
Dear Sir and Madam,

As aviation students of a university, we are required to complete a group project in Advanced Aviation Human Factors. The topic my group have chosen is regarding to the "work-related stress" which air crew maybe experiencing.

In order for us to complete the project, we are required to survey a number of air crew members from the aviation community. Particularly for those employeed air crew members. So if you are employeed as a pilot in any way, we are interested in what you have to say.

We hope you could please help our group by completing a short questioneer for us. You can access the survey questioneer by going to "Do The Survey" below.

Do The Survey (http://www.surveyconsole.com/console/TakeSurvey?id=65115 )

Thank you very much for your time.

Yours sincerely

Civ Air 2 and group members

8th Oct 2004, 08:26
These students have promised to show us the results of their survey.
Enough stress in aviation what with cost sutting and efficiency driven management practices these days; perhaps worth your time to fill out?

Civ Air 2
10th Oct 2004, 08:43
Thanks everyone for participating the survey!!

We will present the result to you guys within one week's time.

Civ Air 2
8th Nov 2004, 22:13
Hey guys,

Sorry for the delay. I have recently been doing university exams.
This is why I still haven't post up the survey result.

I will do that as soon as possible in the near future.

Ranger 1
4th Dec 2004, 16:31
Thats the style Civ Air 2, don't get stressed over getting the results out :cool: Hope the Exams went well :ok: