View Full Version : Assitant ATC - the way forward?

5th Oct 2004, 13:57
As some of you may remember, I recently failed at the initial selection day for the NATS course. It is now a year until I can apply again and am considering my options.

Is it worth it, and indeed possible, to become an ATC Assistant and work my way up, perhaps outside of NATS? If so where would be best to apply to?

I also think that, were this not a good idea, it would be worth doing any job in aviation until the time comes when I can apply to NATS again. Does anyone know of a website that advertises aviation jobs in the UK.

I must add that I'm not just being lazy; I have done considerable, fruitless searching on the net regarding the above queries, and haven't had much luck. Any help would be very gratefully received.

p.s. reading the thread on you lucky people starting in Bournemouth this month makes me ache with envy! But well done, congratulations, and good luck with the course.

5th Oct 2004, 14:15

Not sure what you were looking at, but I found this in five seconds:

Aviation Jobs (http://www.aviationjobs.co.uk)

Also think about doing a search through this forum about applying to become an ATSA. There's been a lot of information about it on this forum over the past year.

bagpuss lives
5th Oct 2004, 16:19
Have a look at some of the useless drivel I posted here : http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=147163 :)

5th Oct 2004, 17:05
Thanks very much Niteflite01. Your post was really helpful.

bagpuss lives
5th Oct 2004, 17:16
My pleasure, and best of luck :ok:

7th Oct 2004, 09:59
Can we ask, do you know where your application failed?

If it was on the initial day, perhaps some practice at the Maths, spacial awareness etc testing would be a help?

Before Im shot down here, Im not having a pop here, merely suggesting a course to winning the place at Bournemouth that you want.... and I also look forward to hopefully welcoming you into the fold in the future.


7th Oct 2004, 10:52

You are undoubtedly right; I definitely do need to practise those disciplines you mentioned. I just want to make sure that, in the mean time, my application form and personnel Interview are as impressive as possible;so that If I do pass the initial test day next time, I have got a decent chance of making it.

I actually found most of the papers quite easy. The only one that I really screwed up, I think, was the Spatial Awareness. Lots of practice needed there!

Thanks for your encouragement and advice.