View Full Version : Weather Radar

27th Sep 2004, 12:02
Dear fellows,

excuse my laziness to look into JAR OPS1 but any one could tell me if the Weather Radar has to be LEGALLY switched ON during a night flight with passengers and no Forecast of storms in for example the first half of the flight.
Our SOPs require its ON at night..



28th Sep 2004, 08:11
Regardless of the legalities, common sense/good operating practice would be for it to be on, why wait until it,s needed then find out it,s u/s?

And if it's a published, approved SOP in effect it is regulation, therefore required.:confused:

30th Sep 2004, 12:03
our WX radars are working and tested before each flight.

Furthermore, not being in the MEL the WX Radar in is a no go item until they change the MEL.


seat 0A
30th Sep 2004, 12:20
No, it`s not a legal requirement to have it switched on.

30th Sep 2004, 12:36
It is not on our Minimum Equipment List either, thus we are elegible to flying without it :cool: Forgive me nitpicking, sorry. Anyway the condition is that only flight in VMC is allowed. Sensible.

Happy landings,

2nd Oct 2004, 12:48
M .85

please check your PM


4th Oct 2004, 18:49
Think the thinking is that the mechanical bit is in the nosecone, exposed to some rather nasty temperatures, thus better to have it moving and at "operating temperature", than cold soaked...leastaways that's always what I've told...if something is not in the mel, is it not REQUIRED?..read your pre-amble..