View Full Version : Braathens/Scanor

23rd Sep 2004, 16:09
Today, when flying through the Bordaux area, I heard a BU695 explain to the frenchie that they were supposed to use a new callsign from today: Scanor.

So my question is, will SASno also use that callsign, and in that case what will the danes and the swedes use?

thanks /Duece

23rd Sep 2004, 17:55

I haven´t heard what the new callsign for SASBraathens will be, but they will use the same whatever it will be. Scanor sounds strange to me.

SAS Sweden and SAS denmark will continue to use "Scandinavian".

23rd Sep 2004, 18:10

Strange is the word, but I actually heard them use the callsign, and our norwegian friend spelled it out to the controller to be : Scanor.



23rd Sep 2004, 21:00
Well well.

What could be expected when SAS buys Braathens, merges them and calls the result..............SASBraathens.
Typical Scandinavian!


24th Sep 2004, 05:10
Kindda like whe nBraathens bought Malmö Aviation and called it..........Braathens Malmö Aviation

24th Sep 2004, 14:14
Scannor is the new callsign for all SASBraathens flights.

This is however a very complicated matter. First of all:
- 20 September 2004 the company SASBraathens was established.
- three weeks before all BU-cabin crew and SASno-cabin crew were mergered into SASBraathens together with all the Bu-routes.
- As the pilots in the two companies hasn't come to an agreement regarding the merger. The AOC-application has been withdrawn until such an agreement is made.

So now we have a commercial company called SASBraathens wich handles all sales, marketing and administration. And we have two operative environments that are leased in to fly for SASBraathens with SCANNOR callsign. All other routes, including former SAS domestic routes and international routes are still belonging SAS and therefore using SCANDINAVIAN callsign. All former BU-flights now use SCANNOR and all other SK-flights still use SCANDINAVIAN.

The negotiations between the two pilot-unions have been postponed UFN.

Why SCANNOR ? Maybe because it rimes with SCANAIR ? :)

24th Sep 2004, 16:27
Thanks FJ

Why dont they just keep Braathens until its all solved, I guess it would be way to easy to be acceptable.



25th Sep 2004, 10:41
Well BU Flight operations is kept as is until an agreement is reached. The rest is transferred into SASBraathens. The reason I would say is quite obvious, as there's alot of money to be saved in having one admin and planning fuction instead of two.. And besides, after a merger you could start adjusting the number of employees to the work needed to be done...

Lots of sacking :yuk:

One Of Us
2nd Oct 2004, 21:31
Hello "wise guy"..
"This is however a very complicated matter. First of all:
- 20 September 2004 the company SASBraathens was established.
- three weeks before all BU-cabin crew and SASno-cabin crew were mergered into SASBraathens together with all the Bu-routes."

If you're gonna serv facts, know the facts first!
Bu-cabin crew and SASno-cabin crew did never merge. No one from Flight Ops has yet merged!

What SCANOR are concerned, SASBraathens applied for SCANOR on BU's AOC and BU have to stick to that. BRAATHENS as callsign is history.

Further, I can see that this is P-pilots RUMORS network, and not the official Union web-site.

I'm looking forward to the end of this, if there ever gonna be one..

4th Oct 2004, 16:34
I thought it was "Scan whore"? Yes, that must be right.

4th Oct 2004, 18:47
Do your parents know that you are using their computer Di(a)per:rolleyes:

4th Oct 2004, 20:18
I stand corrected!

1. sep 2004 SASBraathens as a commercial company was established, and the 20. sep the original plan for merger between the two operative parts of BU and SKN was planned. We know how that went!

As to what kind of forum this is, wise guy ;) those of us that have posted here for a while know what it is, and what use we have of it.
And by the way: I don't serve facts, only rumours :cool: