View Full Version : college dissertion

22nd Sep 2004, 19:49
Hello all, I am doing a college dissertation this year as part of my final year in a transport related degree, what I am still stuck on is what topic to base my dissertation on.
I have a PPL and a very keen interest in aviation, so that really dictates the general topic I will be focusing on but I cant seem to pick an exact topic for the dissertation.
Does anybody know of any sources of good ideas to do with aviation dissertations, or has anybody here actually written one and have any tips for ideas?
Ideally I would love to base it on something technical, IE: flight deck instrumentation or aircraft accidents/safety and problems etc..

Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.


The Greaser
22nd Sep 2004, 19:53
I would correct the typo in the title of the thread first.

23rd Sep 2004, 07:29
How to make management appear at CRM courses? :)


26th Sep 2004, 06:20
If CRM is so good why aren't airline managers practicing it?

Seems to me CRM is a tool to blame captains. Look at its history, why it was implemented in the first place, and whether it is a proven tool. A systematic critical review would be a good place to start.

3rd Oct 2004, 17:33
I agree that a very useful topic might be contrasting the advised and taught CRM concepts for flight crew with the actual use of same by management. Then some speculation why this might be so would give you enough material for a dozen dissertations, I bet!

The flight crews are expected to act like some sort of secular saints while management are allowed to carry on in a way that normal, non-aviation, top business people abandoned years ago as unsafe, unproductive, embarrassing, etc, etc.

I content myself by reading 'Dilbert', wondering where that guy gets all his inside information from.

Good luck with the dissertation.