View Full Version : Sincere Thanks

Jay Dee @ table 1
22nd Sep 2004, 13:10
After being an occasional and casual reader of these pages, I felt compelled to register, in order to express my heartfelt thanks to the following.

(1) All of those who joined with me yesterday to celebrate my retirement. For me, it was a highly enjoyable if somewhat emotional day, and I was totally overwhelmed, by the generosity expressed, not only in terms of gifts and cards, but also in the the words and spirit of the occasion. To see so many colleaugues, not just from Y Watch, but also other TC watches, from AC, from various offices, and retirees was truly heartwarming.

(2) To all colleagues who were at work on the afternoon of the 13th, and who were so good to have around on what was my last duty, and to those who joined me for a drink at the end of the day.
Although supervising that day, I did allow myself one last stint on radar, so thanks also to the crews who were kind enough to pass messages of good luck on that day, amongst them, BAW, EZY, and MON, and to the ATCOs involved in organising them.

and finally

(3) All of those who I have known and worked with during the last 37 years, including the many pilots (mostly unknown and unseen) to whom I must have spoken in that time, and rarely if ever had a cross word with.

To all of you

Thank you and very best wishes


22nd Sep 2004, 13:53
Good luck JD, and all the best for a long and happy retirement. It will be if you remain so laid back. Sorry I wasn't there with you.
But you could have put some time in!

Take care

MH (Z)

22nd Sep 2004, 15:56

I fully intended to be there yesterday but I’m afraid the Crohns has got the better of me the last few days.
I look back at the great times we spent on the TMA when I joined D Watch in ’82 and then onto Y Watch when TC opened.
It was a privilege to be trained by you and then work alongside you.
Enjoy your retirement.

Good Luck.

Clint Gurry.

22nd Sep 2004, 16:57
John.. I was desperate to hear about "the day" with only a few hours to spare. I write the local "Parish Mag" and 21st is closure day so I had to be here and miss out on wishing you every health and happiness personally.

Recall that we first met on the Approach Radar Course back in the early 70s? Haven't the years whizzed by?

It was an honour and privilege to know you and to work with you and I know everyone on Y Watch is going to miss you. A nicer bloke and a more professional colleague it would be very difficult to find..

Take care John; enjoy every year of retirement and I hope you have many, many of them.

God Bless

Bren McCartney

22nd Sep 2004, 19:02
All the very best John from a voice from the past.

Glen D

24th Sep 2004, 19:49
you know I wanted to be there but had a prior engagement.
It has been a real pleasure to work with you and I will miss you.

In case you're not sure who I am, just think of a whale. A Beluga whale. Then smile. :O :D :D
Take care.

24th Sep 2004, 22:31
How come I didn't get an invite then? ;)

All the very best in your new found life matey!!!! Y watch won't know what to do without you!

:ok: :ok: :ok:

25th Sep 2004, 04:14
How come I didn't get an invite then?

Do you really want an answer to that?


26th Sep 2004, 14:21
I guess my invitation was with yours then................. :p:p

Jay Dee @ table 1
28th Sep 2004, 08:59
Have just returned from a few days in the sunshine to find these kind comments.

Talkdownman and 10 DME ARC, Sorry if I'm being a bit dim, but can't place either of you at the moment, I'm sure I'll work it out eventually, then kick myself, thanks to both of you for the messages.

Mr Grubby, Sorry to hear about your continuing health problems. Your fine words are also appreciated. Please please take as much care of yourself as possible.

HEATHROW DIRECTOR, Thank you, if memory serves correct, it was indeed the Winter of 71/72 when we first met. Who would have guessed that years later we would end up on the same Watch? and yes the years have certainly flown by since then. I had hoped that time would slow a little after retirement, but apparently that is not the case, however if the first couple of weeks are anything to go by, then I think I'll be able to cope!!!!

Northener, what can I say? thank you for making me smile even more then usual, thank you for the lovely card and comments it contained. I will miss you too, but I would never have guessed from your accent that you were a Northener. and

Jerricho, I distinctly remember inviting you on three separate occaisions, once in a pub near Trafalgar Square, once in The Plough, and once in that horrible smelly room at WD where you used to go to light up. Admittedly, I did take the precaution of not mentioning date/time/place. Seriously, I am sorry I did not send you a specific invite, probably thought it was too much of a long shot that you could have made it, and it would have been terrific to see you there. Look on the bright side though, at least you didn't have to sit through my 'speech'. Unusually for me, and I suspect for others in that situation, who find it difficult to speak, I actually found it difficult to shut up. I am very grateful to everyone there who were so very patient, and indulged me wonderfully.
To make it up in some small way the next time you are over, I will buy you all the beer you can drink (a time limit may apply)

Roger Dodge
28th Sep 2004, 10:18

Check your PM's :ok:

28th Sep 2004, 12:43
once in a pub near Trafalgar Square, once in The Plough,

Ahhhhh, there in lies the problem ;)

Take care of yourself.

28th Sep 2004, 16:54

"You'd never guess from my accent....."

Well I suppose compared to you I am a southerner!

Glad I made you smile, you always made me smile.
Take care.

Jay Dee @ table 1
8th Oct 2004, 11:52
It was good to see those of you who made it to Windsor on Wednesday for the OJTI get together, sorry Chris, your invite is in the post.