View Full Version : BA direct entry assessment day

15th Sep 2004, 17:40
Anybody done this yet to give us a heads up?

25th Sep 2004, 08:39
The first day seems str8 forward enough, usual bull!

Grateful for a heads up on the sim check though it seems veiled in secrecy, cloaks and dagger stuff!



27th Sep 2004, 12:19
Fear not!

I attended the selection recently. I'm in the middle of writing a detailed document explaining various aspects of the day. I will of course post it here when I've completed it...


LOC :ok:

27th Sep 2004, 16:08
thanks both look forward to the doc, I take it you both did ok?

13th Oct 2004, 16:50
Lucky enough to get through day one! It was just as advertised on wannabes, thanks to the nice person who wrote that article. Does anyone know the profile for the loft exercise in the sim above and beyond the pitch/power settings and checks they give you? Much obliged!

13th Oct 2004, 17:55
Thanks for that expedite-climb! How long is it they did not say at The Rivers? What are they looking for, iIs it a chop ride or is it something else?

13th Oct 2004, 19:43
Havent time to write a full report on it now I'm afraid.

If you have done day one, you'll have the list of qualities they are looking for. Fairly obvious really, someone who can get on with someone they don't know in a cockpit to produce a safe outcome of an unusual situation, manual handling is just one of many things.

All in, including the briefing it lasts around 3 1/2 hrs, so prob 2 hrs (1 each) in the box.

13th Oct 2004, 20:39
Updated account in detail of what is going to happen in the Wannabes part of PPRuNe Main. FOr those of you not sure where that is, click here (http://www.pprune.org/go.php?go=/pub/wanna/BASelection.html)

18th Oct 2004, 10:54
A belated thanks to all those contributors from me!:D

18th Oct 2004, 16:21
How was the sim move-on-up? I have mine 2morrow?