View Full Version : Blood Pressure

14th Sep 2004, 10:40
Can someone tell me of the requirements for gaining a class 1 if you have high blood pressure?

14th Sep 2004, 10:58
drugs or limits?

I think the limits are (Systolic)=160 and (Diastolic)=95.

Try running a search on "blood pressure" or "hypertension" the answers are there.

14th Sep 2004, 12:32
Cheers thats all I wanted to know!

14th Sep 2004, 12:44
Just as a bit more info.....I suffer from white coat hypertension....basically being scared of the Doc. My last class one renewal revealled a BP of 160/90..which set alarm bells ringing at the CAA...however I am bloody fit, healty..eat mostly the right stuff......and im a normal weight. After speaking to my GP....he suggested an ambulatory BP monitor....basically this measures your BP at set times over a 24hr period. It turns out my average BP is 110/72...and the CAA are happy. Just a tale to show high BP may not always be what it appears to be.
