View Full Version : EasyJet / Jet2 TRSS With CTC

Artificial Horizon
9th Sep 2004, 17:34
I am in the process of being interviewed for positions with the above both of which use the TRSS with CTC. Apart from the normal questions I have a few for anyone who has taken part.

1) Which bank do they refer you to for funding the course?
2) Is is possible to take some extra money with the loan to cover living expenses during the typerating as you are not being paid until finished?
3) How long is the course?
4) Is accomodation and food included in the £20,000? (if not it seems alot for a basic typerating)
5) What is the advanced handling course all about?



10th Sep 2004, 07:19
Answers are as follows:

1) HSBC, however you are free to raise the funds as you wish. I did not find the interest rate from HSBC very competive
2)I believe it is possible to raise further funds to cover the cost of living.
3)I am on the Jet2 TRSS, and that takes 55 days from start to getting the type endorsed on your licence, which is when you start getting paid.
4)Accomodation and full board is included while your are at CTC
5) The advanced handling course is to prepare pilots with no or little jet experience, for a jet type rating. It includes 1 day ground school and 5 days in the sim learning jet handling techniques. I personnally think it is an easy way for CTC to make money??

Hope this is of some help.

Artificial Horizon
10th Sep 2004, 13:58
That is very helpful thankyou.



10th Sep 2004, 16:30
Sorry to jump on this thread.....
Can you (or anyone) give us any ideas about rosters - do Jet2 have a set 5-on 2-off pattern?
What about hours we could expect to fly?

10th Sep 2004, 23:51
The Advanced Handling course is marketed by the recruitment team to help folks transition from turboprops to jets. It is used by CTC as another part of the assessment prior to commencing the type rating proper. People are chopped at this stage.
If you need to do the Advanced handling course, think carefully about resigning from your current job or only borrow 3K initially. (ie, take a week's holiday)