View Full Version : Easyjet Base Selection

rogue leader
4th Sep 2004, 13:33
As a potential new joiner to easyjet in the near future I was wondering if any current pilots could advise me on how the basing process works. In particular is it very difficult to get based outside the UK, and indeed what locations UK pilots can apply for outsied the UK. Any info would be greatly appreciated.

4th Sep 2004, 14:05
As I understand it, anyone can apply for any base, in or out of the UK. You will be told that your choices will be taken into consideration, but in the end you will be based where the Company needs you, and on what type suits the current plan.

4th Sep 2004, 17:18
Does your base partially depend upon your aircraft type? For example, I hear that STN will be replacing all 737-300s with A319s and that LTN primarily flies 737NGs.

So, Rogue Leader, which aircraft type do you expect to be on (do you know)? You might have more flexibility depending upon the aircraft type... Do you know whether newhires are being put into a certain type now more than others (737NG vs. A319)? Where have recent newhires gone within the UK?

rogue leader
4th Sep 2004, 17:33
I am led to believe it is most likely to be A319's - any info about the current overseas bases and what they fly would be useful

Shaka Zulu
4th Sep 2004, 18:27
All European bases and any newly announced base will become airbus. No exceptions.
Luton flies a complete mix of -300's and NG's.
Almost all newbies will be 319 rated so you can figure the rest.
Training on the 737 has wound down a lot since we are outphasing all -300's

rogue leader
4th Sep 2004, 19:32
thanks for the info shaka - do you have a base list as been unable to get that info as of yet, cheers

5th Sep 2004, 01:34
If you had the choice to go to the 737NG at Luton, would it be a good choice from a route variety? Will the NGs be used on a particular route profile to/from the UK or will they be intermixed with the A319s?

Anyone at Easy on this board flown both yet - which would be a better choice if you actually had the choice (which do you prefer)?

5th Sep 2004, 23:00
At the moment, GVA,SXF,LGW,DTM are 319, with a couple of 737s left at LGW. ORY and STN will be converting to the 'bus at the end of the year. Others are rumours nothing yet positive. Other crew bases are LTN,LPL,EMA, BRS,BFS,NCL,EDI and GLA. All operate a mix of -700s and -300s, apart from, at the moment EDI and GLA, which are -300s. There are continual rumours about new bases and some bases becoming all -700s but nothing yet in CONCRETE, rumours still abound.

I would have thought that to get a job with EZY if you want one, then the job would be first priority, then the Base, to avoid the expense of a move, then the type, bearing in mind that eventually the whole Company will likely fly the 'bus. If the first two don't bother you then go for the type you want. It is forecast that 737 training will be running down for new entrants and initial courses will be on the bus, but if a 737 base gets short of crews then some are going to have to be trained or converted, aren't they.

Apart from BFS and the Scottish bases, which are limited at the moment, although BFS is getting better, all the other bases offer reasonable choice of routes, obviously the bigger ones, LTN,STN and LGW with the most aircraft have the highest number, but BRS, LPL and NCL do quite well too.

Shaka Zulu
6th Sep 2004, 22:39
well if you want to work hard and do very early up to night flights (read Athens/Malaga) go fly out of LTN. But I'm afraid you don't have a choice in the matter.easyJet will assign you a base and they will try and accomodate your preference as best as they can.
You will now at the interview stage which aircraft type you will be flying, so then your base possibilities will narrow down aswell.
Immediately you can be put on a base transfer list if that base has got your aircraft type that is.
I wouldn't care too much which type to fly. 737's are a good laugh but they say the Bus is far more pilot friendly and a better environment to work in (less noice, ergonomics etc.).
the old -300's are always a challenge especially in the winter!

7th Sep 2004, 00:21
So, which is the most preferrable base in the UK in terms of aircraft, schedules and route variety? If the Bus is preferred aircraft, would STN or LGW be the better bets?

If you had one choice of aircraft and base, which would you choose and why?

7th Sep 2004, 17:05
rogue leader,

I am pretty sure that all the remaining boeing courses are filled so you will be on an airbus course. as previously stated the current airbus bases are berlin, dortmund, paris and gatwick with stansted commencing conversion shortly.

If you can not get your first choice from the start then apply for a base transfer through your base captain and you will be transferred when a place becomes available. Obviously this will be restricted to other airbus bases. When making your second and third choice on application think about the route structure. For instance if you want berlin but that is not available it might be better to be based at gatwick for flights to berlin on your days off rather than say paris. I have assumed here that there are no direct flights between paris and berlin. I am sure you get the gist of my meaning.

I went through training about 15 months ago (on the boeing) and only about half of those on the course were at their first choice of base but by the end of the course (about 8 weeks)we had all been transferred to where we wanted to go. So the lesson is put your transfer request in on day one of joining the company.

Good luck

7th Sep 2004, 18:21

Thanks for the replies. How do you like the 700 (I have heard it is a great aircraft to fly)? Also, when do you expect to switch to the Airbus (or will you stay on the Boeings)?


Shaka Zulu
7th Sep 2004, 18:51
If I may reply:

I love the -700, it's fantastic albeit a bit noisy. But for a design that was born in the sixties it still is pretty good.
It flies to a max alt of 41000' and the times I've been behind an Airbus 319/320/321 you will outclimb them.
Displays are nice and you still have a yoke, if that's your thing ;)
The only new announcement that has been made is that Stansted will convert to Airbus, who knows what the next base will be, I suspect Pitotheat is STN based, so he'll have the pleasure of the Bus sooner than me. grrrrrr

rogue leader
7th Sep 2004, 21:40
Thanks for all the replies, so I haven't myself but been away for a few days!

Sounds like I'll be a bus driver then if I get accepted, I'm happy with that anyway. Just out of interest whats the score with the Geneva base? Do UK pilots get a chace ot apply for it at all?

Pitotheat, I will bear in mind the routes operated from the bases with regards to weekends away, but I had heard the staff flight discounts are a bit poor - can anyone shed any light on this? Also is it true you guys don't wear hats?!

Anyway the future's bright, the future's orange! (hopefully)

Shaka Zulu
7th Sep 2004, 22:13
Not wearing the hats is the best that has ever happened to us ;)
Suits me fine personally....
Staff travel can be pretty hard at times but if you start knowing the system you can get some very good deals out there. A lot of it can be done very last minute when they start releasing staff travel seats but i agree sometimes it can be a bugger. But at least it's a confirmed seat, not on standby for that flight.

Very hard to get residency in Switserland. You need some kind of connection with the country or a passport to get to work there.
Very hard to get a visa....
Tried it myself, didn't work

Last rumour: multiple new bases and 20+ new routes.....
we'll see

7th Sep 2004, 22:39
anything rumoured for france?

8th Sep 2004, 12:42
Basle (eventually). Nothing for Nice or Spain.

9th Sep 2004, 18:16
the GVA crews operate under their own AOC and require restrictive visas and/or residency permits. ezy crews are not able to operate GVA aircraft. so that may be a non starter.

staff travel is a bit of an issue at times but if you look on it as a perk rather than a god given right to get to whereever in europe and are prepared to arrange things within 24 hours of travel then you will not be dissappointed (please dont think I am defending the present system but that is what we have at the moment). again investigate the frequency of flights to and from where you want to get to from other ezy bases. bear in mind that generally you will finish on a late before days off and start after days off on an early, so you will not be able to position home by air until the morning of your first day off and then must position back to your base on the third day off ready to operate earlies the next day.

no hats

and yes I am STN based and looking forward to the airbus.