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Heres Waldo
2nd Sep 2004, 22:35
G'day all..........

Just a few questions for you all out there who may know a thing or two about FedEX.

1. How would one go about applying to them ?
2. Do they traditionally only take americans or are they happy to look at anybody with an Yanky licence?
3. Is it at all possible to start out on the small machines (C207) and work your way up to the big stuff.

Any thoughts or comments on the above questions or any other relivant information would be greatly appreciated.


flite idol
3rd Sep 2004, 01:19
The Caravans/F27`s/ATR42`s etc that are painted in FedEx colours are operated under contract by airlines such as Empire. Those pilots are not on the seniority list at FedEx proper. There are a lot of folks chasing just a few jobs there, check out the web site for details but you will need five years continuous residency in the US unless on military assignment for starters! Good luck!

Ignition Override
5th Sep 2004, 05:43
A tennis buddy flies in the F-27 FO seat with Mountain Air Cargo. They are another FEDEX feeder. There is no "flow-through" agreement at all. None. If an experienced pilot has worked in another FEDEX dept, whether in Admin, or other ground operations, they might be able to receive an interview with Flight Personnel. I met a guy about 15 years ago who was a pilot with an Air National Guard (C-130) squadron and drove their delivery trucks. After years of hard work and dedication, he was hired as B-727 FE as are other new-hires.

A guy at my company who flew four-engine Air Force jets (KC-135s or AWACS; was also an Instructor Pilot on it)) has thousands of hours in fairly heavy jets. Ironically, he was told by someone with the FEDEX (i.e.) Flight Personnel dept that if he applied, he would not get selected because he already had his "chance" with another major airline. Strange as it sounds, the guy with Personnel or Human Resources etc is a former Eastern Airlines pilot. I learned this today second-hand, and have flown with the excellent pilot who contacted the FEDEX gentleman.

Doubt that this info can help you very much. Good luck,
but do you have idea how many thousands of pilots are laid-off in the US and despite having years in turboprops and/or jets, only a fraction can get hired with any "decent" flying job right now. To say it is very, very competitive is quite an understatement, and wish somebody could prove me wrong, very soon.

9th Sep 2004, 21:32
Well there is movement at FedEx at the present, they are interviewing a bit, and have a few classes going at the present.

Interesting little note : if you work for ANY fedEx branch for a consecutive 2 year period you are guaranteed a pilot interview for fedEx corporate, and as far as i know they are the only pilots with prospect to advance to the main fleet.

All in all, one of THE best places to hang your hat until you're getting ready to retire in aviation