View Full Version : Maximum working age in Europe?

31st Aug 2004, 22:57
For us ignorant Yanks, what age will the euro laws allow working pilots? Are there any constraints, such as flying with a younger pilot, or being limited to right seat?

Thanks for any information!

Looks like US pilots (at least in the scheduled airlines over 10 seats) are doomed to live with the "age 60" retirement rule forvever, given the economic state of the airllines and the high rate of redundancies of late.

Not to mention the pension crisis, where, for instance, USAirways obtained court permission to cut pensions 50%, and United Airlines seems headed to eliminating them altogether.

What a crime!

The Real Slim Shady
7th Sep 2004, 22:26

If you check you www.jaa.nl (http://www.jaa.nl ) will find reproduced the JARs. Included within them are the European legislations on age.

Essentially age 60 for aircraft over 20 tonnes as commander, howver 4 nations do not allow pilots over 60 in either seat: Spain, France, Czech Republic and Italy I believe.