View Full Version : SAS pilots on brief strike to attend meeting

30th Aug 2004, 08:43
SAS pilots on brief strike to attend meeting today in CPH!

Finally someone in the industry puts their foot down and say enough is enough! A deal is a deal, and should be kept by both parties...
Well done!
I really hope they will ride the storm out & end up with a reasonable outcome!

I take my hat off in full support!

Good luck guys!

Ps I look fwd to hear from more initiated sources on the topic!

30th Aug 2004, 14:03
What is the reason for the strike?

31st Aug 2004, 10:17
The reason is that the management has "butt******" the pilots for 3 years now and they are sick and tired of it.

31st Aug 2004, 12:56
that's a nice way to sum it up.... :E

3rd Sep 2004, 23:36
I thank you for cancelling my Prague flight! :}

If I would ´ave known about it I could have slept for 6 more hours... :zzz:

Ha det gött!

4th Sep 2004, 10:47
Don't thank the pilots, thank the Scandi management!

Of course, I'm sure that everyone involved is sorry for the inconvienience caused to all passengers....

5th Sep 2004, 20:46
Unfortunately it's always only a poor and innocent passenger who suffers from these actions.
Why don't those pilots vote with their feets?

7th Sep 2004, 23:59
The reason is that the management has "butt******" the pilots for 3 years now and they are sick and tired of it.
Who "butt******" SAS for the last 30 years ?
Who were highest paid pilots in norhern europe for the last 30 years?
Who worked least for most money the last 30 years ?

I'm not surprised, they now claim a little more from the pilots.

8th Sep 2004, 18:51
The beer taste a little :yuk: sikorsky:} :}

8th Sep 2004, 20:52
1)Who "butt******" SAS for the last 30 years ?
2)Who were highest paid pilots in norhern europe for the last 30 years?
3)Who worked least for most money the last 30 years ?

1) Not SAS pilots
2) Not SAS pilots
3) Well do you know, I don´t...and it doesn´t have diddly to do with this case anyway!

Anything else ??

Bengt Engel
10th Sep 2004, 22:06
I would say those SAS C/C are pretty good at butt:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: the company....