View Full Version : Any Kiwis Out There?

24th Aug 2004, 09:50
Just a heads up that Air NZ is looking at hiring upwards of 100 pilots from now(Aug '04) to Dec '05.

If you're unsure of the requirements cast a gaze over:


(but I'm sure they are just a guide)

(F/O B737, S/O B767/747/777??)

24th Aug 2004, 10:35
I wouldnt waste my time and effort to go back and work for Airnz....I used to think they were the be all and end all..........now im in the "real" world...there are companies that are far better to work for.

Cheers H

24th Aug 2004, 10:39
Maybe some of the All Black Rugby team should consider applying as most of them will looking for new careers after an appalling Tri Nations performance.

26th Aug 2004, 07:34
All v good news for the NZ regional guy's, not sure if they'll attract many jet F/O's from o/seas to be CRZ pilots ....;)

Dixons Cider
28th Aug 2004, 08:32
you got that right propoganda

Dixon has left the room

30th Aug 2004, 05:25
Heres a good rumour for you all.

I heard the other day that S/O's on entry will not be the go from now on due to the fact that hardly anybody wants to go to the 737 fleet due to the work load.
To top it off they are also losing large numbers of 737 chaps whos number has come up and they are taking the S/O slots on the long haul machines.

JUST A RUMOUR, but I would be interested to hear from anybody who may know the truth. ;)


11th Sep 2004, 13:14
Well, while they are taking on those 100 pilots for the year, about 200 new fresh ones come onto the market, and Air NZ currently have 400 pilot applications on their books for Boeing and Airbus.