View Full Version : Accomodation in Bournemouth area

22nd Aug 2004, 16:07
Hello everyone,

I'll be coming to UK to attend a couple of NATS courses in Bournemouth next month, and I'm urgently looking for a place to stay (for almost 3 months). If anyone has any suggestion / advice, be it related to the accomodation itself or just simply about living in Bournemouth, please let me know. See, I'm totally unfamiliar with this city. So, any help would be very much appreciated! Thanks

Fletchers Left Boot
22nd Aug 2004, 18:12

Check your PMs!

24th Aug 2004, 14:01
I've stayed in Bournemouth a couple of times. The Westby Road area of Boscombe was the favoured spot when I was last there.
Admittedly, this was 1990 so things may have changed. PPRUNE rules forbid me from naming the establishment where I stayed but you shouldn't have any difficulty finding a place.

Good luck :ok: