View Full Version : Why am I sick when sitting in the back?

18th Aug 2004, 11:36
I usually fly between 80 - 100 hours a month in light aircraft, so am obviously quite comfortable with it.

However, whenever I sit in the back, I feel sick after about 30 minutes. This has got to the point where I can no longer sit in the back and dread having to do any kind of transit flight where I might have to.

Has anyone else come across this? and does anyone know why it may happen? My colleauges have suggested I try eating before we fly but this doesn't seem to have any positive effect.

18th Aug 2004, 12:18
Look out the front, put your hands on anything that you can pretend is a stick/control column, and pretend you're doing the flying. It works for my passengers, and works for me, since I occasionally get airsick when I'm a passenger too. Somehow your system compensates if you're doing the flying, or pretending to. No doubt one of the docs on here will explain that better.

18th Aug 2004, 13:12
There is still a lot of unchartered terrain out there when it comes to motion sickness.

For instance why do I get terribly motionsick when I travel on a boat but am fine with aviating (either straight and level or upside down as pilot or pax?)

What is well documented is that some people are absolutely fine when they are at the controls themselves and terrible when they are flown along like you are.

Conditioning and state of mind is another well known feat of this 'problem'

And that is obviously is happening to you at the moment. You were probably better in the past with this, can now endure 30mins but you already anticipate that it will be worse in times to come.

What does work well form some people is to take motion sicknesss tablets for a few flights (that is if you don't have to fly yourself as they are not compatible with that) and fly a few times whereby you are fine. Most folks find that they will be 'de-conditioned' thereafter and OK without the medication.



18th Aug 2004, 19:48
Gash!, a related thread here (http://www.pprune.org/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=139894) . :)