View Full Version : EK hold file ?

17th Aug 2004, 23:27
A few questions for anyone that has been on the hold file. I have been informed that I am on the hold file and would like to know what is the experience level, hours etc of people getting offered interviews? Are there interviews planned in the near future? if so has anyone been invited to attend? Any info appreciated - except for how bad EK is. Thanks intake...... :ok:

18th Aug 2004, 14:36
I have been in the hold pool for few months now,nothing heard from them yet.
I have total of 15k+of which 12k+jet command,But not rated.
Any one out there can tell what are my chances to get invited for interview?
And is't true that the number of the rated pilots in the hold pool over 200 and the nonrated over 500?
any info will be appreciated.
thanks in advance.

18th Aug 2004, 20:38
I am on approximately the same experience level as you.
Almost 8 months on the HP, still nothing and no clues on what's going on actually!...

18th Aug 2004, 23:51
Hi guys,

I'm in the same boat. 16K total, 11K jet command (MD11/DC10/B727/737/L188) and type rated on the B777 with 500 hrs. I've been in the HP for almost a year now. Not a single word.



20th Aug 2004, 08:32

Seems like I will be swimming in the pool next 10 years if there are more guys like you in the pool with 10K+
Only 5K+ here...I dont even know why they put me in the pool.
Maybe it was a mistake & they read my total hours 15K+:E
Maybe only because of my age....


20th Aug 2004, 10:26
Well, there´s some hope as long as we did not received the frustrating email - " we regret to inform you your application was unsucs..."
Good luck to us all!

Safari Goat
21st Aug 2004, 09:45
I have 11K + hours and got the, I am sorry letter. Who knows.

Interviews and selection for them are the strangest thing in the world.

Good Luck to the swimmers in the pool.

22nd Aug 2004, 01:52
Well thanks guys for the reply. Seems they must have read my application in error also. 5k+ mostly jet, so I will not hold my breath waiting for the call. Good luck to those that do! Cheers intake :ok:

25th Aug 2004, 08:50

It's not ALL about hours, plenty have gained interviews with 5000 and no wide body.

It's about persistance and the commitment to gain the job.

Just keep trying, don't look at the others in the pool, remain positive and realistic.

25th Aug 2004, 11:59
Yep, the hold pool.

Been swimming in it now for 2.5+ years.

Getting closer to the cut-off age bye the month, but still treading water in case the ship comes in.

About the hours, anywhere from 4K+ seems to fit their mould so don't despair, and hope you all have a better luck & a speedier response than me.


BTW a mate just the call after 3 years on the hold list!
Lookin' gooood john

29th Aug 2004, 20:12
Can you believe this....

Just a few days ago we were discussing how long we have to swim in the pool.Today I got the e-mail inviting for the interview.

I still cant believe it.Damn I have to study.


29th Aug 2004, 22:01
Congrats. Keep us posted as to how it goes. Best wishes.


30th Aug 2004, 09:58
congrats thrustidle74...best of luck for the interview.I'm in the same boat with about 6K hrs,and been waiting for about 9 months but no news so far.out of curiousity,when did you apply and your current type?

30th Aug 2004, 11:20
So tell me...you guys with 15,000 hrs, which includes 12,000 hrs command, how come you're looking for jobs?

Come to think of it...how come you're not retired?


30th Aug 2004, 14:04
Hi amos2

In my case I'm only 46:confused: (good or bad? Who knows), so I still have a few years to make a few bucks and with two small children you can imagine the picture. Also my current employer is just about to go bust and I have to be ready to jump ship.



30th Aug 2004, 14:19
Congrats,and good luck.
I presume that your application as co-pilot,can you tell how long you been waiting in the hold pool,and are you rated?
Keep us posted while you prograss.

Having 15000 hr dose not mean approching retirement age.
Still have many years to fly ,and i have a job but seeking better one,and trying to make best of the remaining years befor reaching the dead end.
Good luck to all of you guys,and to those who received "we are sorry"do't give yet.

31st Aug 2004, 07:12
Just curious 3 holer. You shouldn't have too much trouble. Best of luck. :ok:

31st Aug 2004, 08:13
Thanx guys

so my application story goes like this...
I first applied 3 years ago with a total of 2500hrs.(those days min req was 2500).then they kindly told me that although I am fullfilling their requirement there are alot of highly experienced pilots applying.But I kept updating my application every 6 months.Only 2 months ago they told me that I am in the pool.And a few days ago they invited me for the interview.
Presently I have 5K on B737/800 & I am 29 yo.I am holding UK CAA ATPL.in my country there are only a few pilots having UK ATPL.

Good luck to you all...


31st Aug 2004, 21:42
We are indeed on the same boat! Same experience level, close ages, two small kids... I still missing that 777 rating, but on the way...
I suspect EK recruiting is slowing down, at least on the DEC area.
Or maybe we are from the wrong country!...:confused:

31st Aug 2004, 23:12

Best of luck and don't forget to spread the word as you progress through the interview, sim, first impressions about EK, Dubai, etc.


I'll keep my fingers crossed, but the fact is that I've being waiting for a full year and that's a blood long time.


You might be right, rumor has it that the DEC program is dying down, or maybe you are right again about living in the wrong side of the globe. At least seems that our friends currently flying as FO for EK are going to finally have their chance and I wish them good luck :ok:



1st Sep 2004, 18:11
"At least seems that our friends currently flying as FO for EK are going to finally have their chance and I wish them good luck ".

Couldn't say something more politically correct and fair!...

As for the news abscence for us, some PPruners, EK insiders, share the same impression. No clues on what is really going on over there, recruitment wise.
It is certainlly not a matter of experience level or type rating.

We can only cross fingers, as you well said...

2nd Sep 2004, 05:20
Airplane a month for along time nothing has slowed down from the pilots side,( FA's slowed down to catch there breath).
4 - 500's then the 300er's(26 + 13/14?). JFK going to 4 crew Oct or Nov. Rumour has it that the Dec thing is done. 310 cargo in the spring how knows maybe 310 type rated Dec's and Fo's.
Still getting CV's for FO's. A couple of bad apples from other airlines may hurt those in the pool from said carriers, hopefully not for very long, have flown with some and are good drivers.
Hang in there, someone said updateding every month would hurt your chances, can't see that being the case,but every 6months is fineif you have the time

2nd Sep 2004, 10:14
Many thanks on the update, mate!
Unfortunately in my case just passed the cutting age for f/o...
What's your rank and for how long with EK?

"A couple of bad apples from other airlines may hurt those in the pool from said carriers, hopefully not for very long, have flown with some and are good drivers".

Could you please clarify?

White Knight
2nd Sep 2004, 10:20
Heard from varios folks in the training dept. - both ground instructors and the TCI/TCE's that no more DEC's:ok: :ok:

Must stress it's just hearsay at the moment though.

330 Man
5th Sep 2004, 10:42
The DEC program is over for now. Any contract that has been offered by the company will be honored, but all assessments for DEC's have stopped. The program may start up next year for the 777 but the Boeing Fleet MGR. told me that it will be no more than 40 DEC's total for 2005. There are F/O upgrades this fall on both fleets and more to come. We are still hiring F/O's but currently at a slower rate. This also will pick up in the winter.

The only exception to all of this is for the 310. We are still hiring DEC's for the 310, which supposidly will begin arriving in December/January, but I have seen nothing official on the delivery dates. Has anyone else?

6th Sep 2004, 04:32
Please see your PM.