View Full Version : Emirates slow down ?

16th Aug 2004, 19:32
Seems the rapid expansion has finally hit the logistics wall with aircraft and courses (DEC and upgrade incuded) being deferred...

16th Aug 2004, 23:14
Would think twice: still posting around for pilots, DECs and FOs.

17th Aug 2004, 05:18
More of a question FF, but the fact remains that 2005 aircraft have been deferred and courses delayed despite the advertising drive. Also seems from other threads that new applicants are holding quite a while for offers...perhaps more of a lull to catch a breath than an RTO.

17th Aug 2004, 15:27
345 7/8(Syd) coming in the @oct/nov 345 9/10(Sfo or 2x day Jfk) start of the new year, the 300er's 1 per month x 40 starting @mar/apr. Hope that 's not what you call a slow down. WRT upgrades 330 nov DEC's before and after, 777 now and Jan

17th Aug 2004, 16:18
So, lots of aircraft and apparently no slow down; you would think/hope that if we have learnt any lessons the training system would use all available slots to get ahead of the game & not putting courses off? Regardless, I have still heard concerning rumours that more aircraft will slip from the original delivery dates as mentioned above.

18th Aug 2004, 20:47
Please check your PM, mate!...

19th Aug 2004, 13:12
"...330 nov DEC's before and after..."

geez I hope not, you mean the 9 of us spent the last 5 days doing the upgrade GS for nothing, damn!!!!::mad:
