View Full Version : ATC Visits

13th Aug 2004, 07:44
Ladies and Gents of the ATC world,

As a trainee pilot I am getting incresingly interested in ATC and the way the whole operation works from a practical point of view on the other side of the radio. Can anyone tell me whether West Drayton, Swannick or any of the major airports are willing to take visits from pilots who are interested, or has security been tightened due to all the terrorist activity in recent times?

If someone could enlighten me I would be very grateful, thanks.

15th Aug 2004, 04:00
I applaud your effort to visit a local ATC unit to better understand what our side of the microphone is like, I wish that more pilots would participate.

On the other side of the coin, pilots need to offer to take controllers out for a flight so that we can see how we affect things on your side of the microphone.


15th Aug 2004, 11:13

I would be more than happy to take anyone up who shows an interest in flying, especially an air traffic controller, due to the excellent services they provide us as pilots.

15th Aug 2004, 22:06
To accomplish your goal of getting to sit down with a controller/s, call several of your nearest facilities (tower, radar approach control, or area control center) and ask if it would be possible to shawdow a controller. You may have to explain why you want to monitor a controller, but unless the security requirements have increased I can't see them saying no.

Once you get the chance to meet some of the controllers, mention your willingness to take them up flying to see what your side of the microphone is like. I don't know how often my fellow controllers in the UK get to go flying.


15th Aug 2004, 22:10
I recently got to go visit a TRSA radar room and a Class D control tower and it was a great learning experience, also nice to meet all the people I talk to every day.

Had no problems getting it done here in the USA.

16th Aug 2004, 08:18
G o& visit the 'Private Flying' Forum, we quite often organise Tower visits.