View Full Version : New EMA flightpaths

5th Aug 2004, 10:03
The CAA has approved EMA's new flightpaths - which is good news.


But not good news, according to the Leicester Mercury, to any resident within the county of Leicestershire.

"Nightime MISERY!" "Rural areas BLIGHTED!"

I don't know who I hate more, local councillors or Journalists.

From having read the "indepth" articles in the Mercury I am left here with the impression that anyone living in East Leicestershire, or in vast swathes of the City of Leicester are at the current time shivvering and weeping over the prospect of those oily, nasty, scary, Armageddon impending dastardly machines (commonly called aeroplanes) being allowed to overfly their rural homes at the devastatingly low height of .....wait for it fearfully.....4000 feet.... cue children crying, women weeping, men getting anrgy and pounding on the local police station's front door.

4000 ft!!! Imagine that!

Personally I feel cut to the core for those even more victimised folks to the south of the glorious city of Leicester who will have to endure those noise mega monsters in a stack - that's right a STACK as low as (cue heavy bass drama music in the style of a Jaws film).....as low as......I can hardly bring myself to type it.....8000 feet! Run for your lives!!!!! AARRRRRGGGGHHHH

I force myself to not think how the illustrious councillors of Castle Donington, Kegworth and Isley cum Langley must steam in total rage in the knowlegde that in or near their own parishes these aircraft things are regularly seen at head heigh - and in Castle Donington Parish - God forbid it - the bloody things actually come in contact with the ground.....unbelieveable I know....but it is true.....I too have seen it!!

Anyone would think there was an airport or something round here!

Please....someone...is there no place we can deal with Councillors and Journos??

****RANT OVER***

Capt. Manuvar
5th Aug 2004, 11:28
I saw the first article when they talked about aircraft flying over people's houses at 10000ft. I was going to write to them but then i thought it must be a typo, they probably meant 1000ft, but then that didn't seem right. But i gave them the benefit of the doubt anyway.
After seeing their detailed graphic last week , i think i'll need a couple of weeks to recover from the severe bout of Laughingitis that followed.:}
It might be hard for some to believe so take a look at mercury website:
Funnily enough the local council making the biggest noise has its own airfield with aircraft doing bad weather circuits 500ft over their heads without them noticing.:yuk:

5th Aug 2004, 12:39
Michelle - whoever you are - WE LOVE YOU!


10:30 - 03 August 2004

After reading about the new flight paths for Nottingham East Midlands Airport, I had to write to ask all those residents on the other side of Leicester who complain about the noise and increased traffic volume: What are they moaning about?

We live in Kegworth, a village right at the end of the runway.

Planes come and go, one after the other, do we complain? No, we don't. We accept that the airport is there and business is business. The airport is expanding, so increase of air traffic is inevitable. May I ask those "moaning" residents how many of them will be using Nottingham East Midlands Airport for their holidays and will they request the pilot take a different route home so that it won't spoil their idyllic corner of Leicestershire?

It makes me smile how people have the audacity to complain about something that will be between 4,000ft and 10,000ft above themselves. We can sit in the garden and wave to the pilot!

Maybe those complaining would like to visit Kegworth and see how many "locals" actually realise when a plane is passing overhead.

Michelle Sheasby, Kegworth.

Electric Sky
5th Aug 2004, 15:56
Having lived in North Leicestershire for many years, and then Northwest Leicestershire, both of which lie on the flightpaths for EMA, I know what the noise is like for a resident. In North Leicestershire the aircraft arriving for Runway 27 are usually between 4000ft and 2000ft approaching base leg. It is fair to say that the quaint village road at the fronty of the house was far noisier and often you couldn't hear the aircraft at all! In NWL the aircraft are generally higher up and again the noise is barely noticeable. I am fed up with these councillors trying to stir up public opinion in an effort to get cheap votes, and newspapers having nothing better to put on their front pages to try and sell them. If only such time and attention was paid to things that really matter to us all.

If you don't like aircraft noise, don't live near an airport!

ES ;)
:ok: 200th Prune post :ok:

5th Aug 2004, 18:24
As a pilot of one of those nasty peace shattering jets I would love to know specific details of the routing proposed in order to respond - sorry, but local Leicestershire villages mean nothing to me not being a local.

Can anyone elaborate in aviation terms?

almost professional
5th Aug 2004, 19:47
map shift
without going into a lot of detail-the inbounds from the south will route east of the present track-east of leicester city the base levels of the airway are being lowered to allow this-in effect a long left base for27, the aim being to get all inbounds on a cda-you will come to approach direct from TC, streamed and speeded
the new southern hold is south east of leicester
this has the efect of keeping you clear of 27 south bound departures-the 09 procedures are more complex and will have a 'crossover ' with the 09 southbounds but with more airspace to play with and a bit of practice then the service you get should improve greatly
there are changes to the northbound routes as well-with a new hold, and again the procedures have been trialled with good results hopefully ending the tours of north leicester/south notts!
the procedures should be published shortly