View Full Version : Are GF about to join Star Alliance?

2nd Aug 2004, 19:35
Just noticed a few things that seem to point to Gulf Air joining the Star Alliance.

1. GF now codeshare with BMI on LHR MAN
2. GF are advertising their service in the BMI inflight magazine.
3. In the terminal listings for LHR in the BMI mag, the terminals that all Star Alliance members operate from are listed, along with Gulf.
4. Virgin is a GF frequent flyer partner, and Virgin are closely linked in many ways to BMI !!!???

I guess these things may add up to nothing, but it does seem to point to a growing alliance.

Anyone else know anything?

2nd Aug 2004, 19:52
GF codeshare with BMI on a lot more than LHR-MAN, and have done since 1996 iirc.

They also codeshare with AA....does this make them closer to OneWorld?

3rd Aug 2004, 03:45
GF has been trying to get into an alliance since JH arrived 2 years ago. I think the alliances are taking a wait-and-see attitude. Who can blame them when so new airlines are poping out ever year. The region is not stable yet for them to determine who is the best partner. EK would be perfect, but I thik they are not interested in sharing with anyone.