View Full Version : Fatigue - the perfect solution!

29th Jul 2004, 09:10
Have a look at this link to an article in today's Gaurdian:


The solution to all airline rostering and crew fatigue problems is here. Simply prescribe a sleep prevention drug and roster the crew to stay with the aircraft for several days at a time !

The bean counters will love this one. Imagine the savings

29th Jul 2004, 12:06
I already own half of the local chemists' Pro Plus stock......am addicted to Espresso, carry a box of matchsticks (of which I have had to scrape the 'lighty' end off) and, due to being a gym instructor in my spare time, take steroids for muscle maintenance........what else could I do to stay awake?

Yeah - go get a proper job with proper sleep patterns.

Ahhwwww - just tie me to the wings and fly

dallas dude
29th Jul 2004, 12:30
Perhaps they could come up with a truth serum for journo's too!


29th Jul 2004, 12:45
We here at 'Fudgethenumbers Towers' are very excited by this new development.

We are currently in beta test of the 'sleep prevention optimisation' study.

In a cost benefit exercise the best return on investment is to give only 1 crew member the drug, (it's very expensive stuff folks). The designated pill popper is the relieved of all duties and merely has to wander the cabin and flight deck slapping the other crew in turn to achieve satisfactory wakefulness.

This gives us 100% success with the minimum of expense.