View Full Version : CAA CLass ! Medical and ATPL skills test

25th Jul 2004, 04:47
Hi everyone,
I am trying to get my Swiss JAA ATPL, but am gettting mixed answers from the authorities! I hold a couple of thousand hours on heavy jets and am current in HONG KONG with CLass 1 medical and my Aircraft and Instrument Ratings are both current here. I used to fly in Switzerland, so my old swiss Class 1 only expired 4 years ago. I heard if it is expired less than four years you do not need to do a full check-up? If so, can i do a check up by a CAA approved doctor and will that be valid in any JAA member state? TO get my ATPL do I need to convert my old Swiss CPL to a JAA one first before trying to get the ATPL? Or is there a way to get my ATPL directly? Is the skills test the only way to get the ATPL? If i have to go to Switzerland for the skills test, will it have to be on the same aircraft I am flying no (A340)? Will it be an issue , what procedures will be used in the simulator?And lastly do I need to do that "relevant items of JAR course? If yes, can that be done anywhere, or does it have to be done in SWitzerland?

Thank you for your help