View Full Version : Welcome to Qatar Airways!!!

22nd Jul 2004, 23:49
Things are just going from bad to worse at QR. The latest is that security guards are now at the male accommodation which means that you cannot have any visitors after 10pm and any visitors have to sign in....oh dear, the lads have it just as bad as the female accommodation..result...lower morale.

There are 1350 cabin crew at QR and there was supposed to be 2000 crew last year...crew are working their butts off and I have heard that a crew member had been fired recently because he had double sector after double sector and called in with fatigue..result..he was fired...typical.

I hear that many people are going to resign from QR (well, that's no surprise is it?)

For all those people desperate to leave QR...get out ASAP as the new rule to apply to Etihad and Emirates is 12 months gap and that is definate as I know people who have applied and as soon as you mention the dreaded QR work to the interviewers they tell you this.

Is it true that AAB was recently banged up because of money laundering and SK brother was also involved? Do advise....

I've also heard that there will be a mass exodus of crew leaving within 6 months, but hey guys...do you really think that AAB will really be bothered?

If you have some sense get out and work for a real airline that will treat you very well...EK for example.

For all you people working at QR keep your chin up and don't let AAB get you down like he's got so many hundreds of people down! The sooner he's out the airline will be a proper airline not run by the gestapo...guys..get out of there, there's a better world outside of QR.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

homesick rae
23rd Jul 2004, 01:30
Don't think AAB or SK etc know what prison is like, but all they've got to do is ask the crew!!!

23rd Jul 2004, 13:16
I agree H.Rae: The QR crew are so unhappy. There's also a huge shortage of CS and CSD's too which means everyone is working very, very hard. Apparently there are new ship loads of crew arriving to QR but when they find out they are moving to a prison camp I'm sure they will leave too..

Heard theat AAB and his Alfadan mate were banged up in the Qatari prison recently and the Emir had to bail him out....AAB will fall flat on his face sooner or later. All the QR staff are having a big laugh behind AAB's back so his stress levels will be high again and he'll be on his termination mode.

I've heard that a few applicants for F/O's to QR have been put off going there due the terrible reputation that QR has...Is there still a shortage of F/deck crew too.?

23rd Jul 2004, 13:34

I see that you live in Doha, Qatar. I am from the UK but currently working in Dubai on a three months posting - what is an alfadan - you mention it above in your post? I have never come a cross this yet.

I read what you are saying but i have flew on Qatar Air when I came down here and they were excellent srevice. It was the best flight I ever had on any airline so this AAAB must be doing something right surly?

Bangkok Layover
23rd Jul 2004, 18:00

AAB somewhat knows what a prison is like (coz he was nearly there recently) and so does Snakes brother who AAB was licking when he was a minister in a certain Government (who was also near the prison doors on 6 counts of wrong doing) !!

Snake flew to that said country,imidiatly knowing,if and when his brother has no say in the Parliment, AAb would chuck him out of QR!!.......because, Snake then becomes useless for AAB!


Awaiting that big day!!!:O

These are the "Rats" AAB escort to QR Aircraft with pride, ......stupid :mad:

23rd Jul 2004, 18:29

Im a former QR crewmember and yes the service really is second to none, i fly for BA now and the service is minimal in comparison BUT dont ignore whats being said about AAB, the backstabbing, bad moral, terminations, gestappo....theres a reason the service is so good and its because this psycho path is as good as standing behind the crew members with a whip and crew are afraid of their lives when on board!

Now I ask you this, would you eat in a restaurant owned by Osama Bin Laden regardless of how good it is????

naughty but nice
24th Jul 2004, 21:38
An ALFARDAN as u put it is a family name in QATAR.. was it F***D by any chance? I though he partied with AAB brother H*S*N??

25th Jul 2004, 12:47
Hey Guys!!

The word is out: a NEW CEO......

" AAB was arrested recently in connection with money laundering on the Doha Stock Exchange.":mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Any more info:suspect:

25th Jul 2004, 17:51
Must be very reliable. Nothing about AAB being involved in money laundring in any of the Gulf newspapers!

C'mon mates, keep to the facts.

Safari Goat
27th Jul 2004, 06:24
AAB is QR's CEO. (Akbar Al Bakar. )

Bangkok Layover
28th Jul 2004, 16:56
.........soon to be "fomer CEO of Qatar Air ways!! :D

Ramboflyer 1
29th Jul 2004, 09:17
Funny stuff , i here the arabs can give it but they cant ****en take it , how the hell will he survive in prision.
Anyway if the new ceo recognises a pilot shortage he will pay Captains $20,000 US per month and never have crewing problems again , otherwise they had better re-merge with Gulf Air just to save parking all there new paintjobs.........