View Full Version : email the medics?

Lou Scannon
22nd Jul 2004, 16:32
Has anyone had experience of contacting the CAA Medical Branch by email?

An acknowlegedment arrives back with the speed of electrons stating that they have a turnround target of 10 working days to answer such letters.

...and then ...silence!

14 days and counting...Lou Scannon

Warped Factor
22nd Jul 2004, 17:32
Never had cause to email them, but have had to phone them up on occasion and each time the matter has been dealt with there and then with friendly efficiency or they've called back as promised.

Might you try giving them a call?


22nd Jul 2004, 17:45
Its kind of hit and miss with the email. I've had replies in 2-3 days. I've had them ignore them completely. Like said above your best bet is to call them, they've always been very helpful.

22nd Jul 2004, 18:30
Very friendly and helpful on the phone. Given me the answers there and then, with plenty of useful advice.

23rd Jul 2004, 08:11
They cant give medical advice via email anyway. I got a pretty quick reply (after the automated "thankyou we have received your email" email) telling me that I need to ring them up in order to discuss a medical issue or to get advice.

Good luck


Lou Scannon
27th Jul 2004, 16:09
Comms problem solved.

I spent some time on the 'phone to them yesterday and today. Despite re-sending the email to the original address and then another (both receiving an immediate acknowledgement) nothing was received at their end.

Be warned, the CAA seem to have a serious incompetency within their IT systems with emails being received, then acknowledged and then lost in the system before they reach the medical branch..

I finally got through to a direct email address and my query is being dealt with.

27th Jul 2004, 19:18
Glad you are sorting it out - I dont think I have ever had experience with an organisation that uses email to it's best, though in fair honesty due to the amount of junk mail........who knows :confused:

Best wishes


3rd Aug 2004, 15:39
Forward your copy to them with the words:

'Can I expect a reply to this e-mail?'.

Works well for me. .