View Full Version : Virgin forces Qantas go round?

schlong hauler
22nd Jul 2004, 09:12
Apparently a Virgin 737 failed to comply with several requests from ATC in Darwin to reduce speed due Qantas traffic ahead. Due to the Virgin pilots lack of adequate speed control the QF 737 was instructed to go round otherwise separation would have been compromised. I know these events are true, so what is it saying about airmanship, professionalism and arrogance on the VB flightdeck. It should make interesting reading once the ATSB hands down its findings!

Uncommon Sense
22nd Jul 2004, 09:18
ATSB don't investigate go-arounds.

Your description suggests that QF was following - so I fail to see how the preceding aircrafts speed 'control' is at issue.

What facts helped you determine the arrogance factor?

22nd Jul 2004, 09:22
Firstly - what you have written doesn't make too much sense to me - how can an aeroplane behind the QF aircraft force it to go around?

Secondly what does it say about the controlling? Virgin123 turn left heading xyz for separation with preceding traffic...This I could understand - but QANTAS 123 go around? - huh?

Thirdly, I doubt that there would be a ATSB investigation

And finally, about 6 weeks ago, I had to do a go around because a QF A330 accepted an immediate takeoff and just sat there - I didn't feel the need however to post immediately on PPRUNE.

No Further Requirements
22nd Jul 2004, 09:23
Hauler, sounds a bit sus to me.

1. Why repeated requests to the VB flight. How about 'turn left heading.......vectoring for sequencing'

2. I fail to see how the QF flight ahead would have been the one infringing the standard if it were two arriving aircraft.

I think some further details are needed before fingers are pointed. Cheers,


Edited just to say that the above posts were posted as I slowly typed my two cents worth, which is exactly the same. Wind up alert.

Grog Frog
22nd Jul 2004, 09:24
If QF was preceding (i.e. No 1) ATC SOP (subject to other factors)would be to send the following (.e. DJ) around

'I know these events are true', unless you wear the Queen's Uniform, which I doubt given the recent registration and your purile user name, I suggest that at the best you heard only part of an ATC exchange or more likely in a bar near you.

Sounds like a VB bashing exercise to me.

22nd Jul 2004, 10:20
This is a wind up.

Virgin faster than QF???

Give us all a break.

22nd Jul 2004, 10:52
Wondered if GT-R would turn up to lower the tone of what is obviously a bit of comic relief aimed (successfully up til now) at helping us forget some of the vitriol poured on all the world's non-Qantas pilots by GT-R himself. (or herself).

I think if I were you I'd stick to crayons and a colouring book until you grow up a little. You mentionairmanship, professionalism and arrogance on the VB flightdeck. I suspect that your little post all by itself showed us exactly where those things AREN'T. And by the way, if and when the ATSB starts investigating missed approaches we should all hang up our wings. A properly flown missed approach is and always was the best way out of an approach problem, and there should be no questions asked at any time by anyone.

And since your post has reminded me of the issue of sub-standard performance I have to ask, did the Qantas crew perform their missed approach better than QF 1 did in Bangkok?

22nd Jul 2004, 11:38
Or perhaps better than the DJ over run also in DN? :rolleyes: We'd be able to do this all day except that DJ has only been around for a couple of years but we'd still end up in the same crappy hole.

Elecktra, the initial post isn't particularly worthy. Yours is worse because you purport to be upholding the side of righteousness whilst sinking the boot in on the side. My first question above re the DJ over run was to illustrate the futility of that action, not to cast dispersions on any crew or groups of crew or to engage in a tit for tat game.

I'm sick to death of 'professionals' ripping each other down over issues that don't necessarily 'start' with the operating crew. All airlines will be afflicted with episodes of 'sub standard' performance. Lets just hope that the collective error management on the day stops us from having a crappy end of the day!

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone. Take the plank out of your own eye before starting with the speck in your neighbours' eye is also one of my favourites. :mad:

22nd Jul 2004, 12:17
well Keg, I did get a bit carried away by GT-R....I was merely trying to make the same point..."he who is without sin etc....but perhaps a litle clumsily. Somehow the never-ending anti-VB venom brings out the worst in me. I was never strong on prejudice of any sort and most especially the "Born to Rule" stuff.

I'll leave this message short so GT-R has ample space to repent in print..............

22nd Jul 2004, 12:38
I agree with the negative posts to this TWIT.

The post has the hallmarks of an absolute Richard Cranium.

To me, just a stirrer.

How, can we keep comments, like this, being made by an obvious non pro pilot, to my mind that is.

Woomera, there has to be a way!

I will have a say on anything, but I will edit myself before hand. That includes comments on , In any order,

AA, AN, TN, BA, QF, NZ, MH, SQ, etc, etc ,etc. But I will use my many years in aviation to sus out the R.C's, also known as Di*k He*ds.


ps. I just saw the post, "DC-3 Drivers wanted.

Being recently retired, I am off to read the post







I haven\'t filled out an employment form since 196-, what the hell is a CV.