View Full Version : Qatar Airways Global Express

21st Jul 2004, 15:31
Hi all Qatari employed people,

Most of you have probably noticed, that they occasionally put an advert for crews to their Global Express. To us who currently dont meet their minimums for line flying (Typerating+500Hrs on type or 2000Hrs airline time) this would "Sound" like a good opportunity.

Now after reading numerous posts about the life and working conditions at Qatar one can only wonder. I am sure that flying corporate for them would not be that different or would it?

Any ideas about the working conditions, benefits and pay on their corporate side?



22nd Jul 2004, 16:46
Strange thing nobody seem to know this ops. about their company:suspect:


23rd Jul 2004, 19:31
Global express is for the amiri flight....same company, totally different flight ops dept.

What I do know:

better atmosphere

accomodation provided (not sure nowadays)

24h stand by

10% better pay as an expat vs QR mainline

24th Jul 2004, 18:30
I don't have Global Express time, but if I did, would this be a good opportunity (I do know some Global drivers who might be interested)? What would be the primary difference between flying the Global and flying the line besides lack of set schedules, etc.? Can non-Global rated pilots apply (given the proper hours, etc. - could I apply for an FO position or would I need actual Global experience)?

Yes, I have read ALL of the threads about Qatar Airways - sounds like a HORRIBLE place to fly as a line pilot. However, the Global operation might be a better call... Doha sounds like a dump - too bad this opp isn't in Dubai.

Anyone know more about this opportunity? What would be the approx pay in Euros? Any idea on likely routes (primarily Europe...)? There are worse things than flying Globals worldwide (I suppose flying for Qatar Airways mainline might be one of them)...


25th Jul 2004, 04:11

just for your info....

Doha is NOT a dump! I

Its a much better place then Dubai if you have grown out of your bachelor lifestyle! Everything is available, family orientated, safe and easy going. I would not even dream of rasing a child in DXB where the russian maffia reigns, prostitution is all around, traffic jams are the normal way of waisting time and where there are more shopping malls then houses......

QR is NOT a horrible place to fly as a pilot!

Granted, its not pilots heaven but then again, can you tell me about a company that is? Do your job, dont interfere in politics and you will be fine. At the end of the day all that matters is that the money is in the bank and it ALWAYS is!
And dont think things are any better in emirates...Just talk to the guys there! ****ty rosters, no upgrades, same pay and if you are not a decendant from the "great commonwealth" basically you are screwed as well!

Do not get me wrong, QR has a long way to go and a lot of things still need to be adressed but slowly they are getting there...

You should not even bother to get in mate, with your attitude they might take you in but at the first chance they have you will be out again....

Pay......more then you would earn anywhere around flying a Global, thats for sure!

Get your facts straight first!
:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

Capt Krunch
26th Jul 2004, 08:06

I don't normally waist my time posting, or replying to mindless BS.. but I have to agree with QR515..
he's completely correct.. i'm also one of the many expat's here.. I like it here for what it is... it's a long road for QA but in the end all will work out.. hopefully sooner than later on certain issues..

this is a decent place to work.. money is always in the bank on time and I have to say, it is probably one of the safest places I have ever lived..

in the begining I got my pilots license because I wanted to fly.. and thats what I do.. fly alot and get paid to do what i love to do.. what more could I ask.

it's not always the destination that counts... the Journey is what really matters.. and I'm enjoying the ride so far..

I'm not into the politics and BS..

26th Jul 2004, 09:10

Thanks for the info guys:ok: Enjoy your time there-I know I definately would.