View Full Version : New route: SOU-Paderborn. Where?!?

15th Jul 2004, 15:00
Hi guys,

Have heard that Air Berlin are to start up a thrice-weekly service from SOU to Paderborn in Germany. Please pardon my ignorance but where is Paderborn??

I guess the people in Paderborn are asking the same question about Southampton!?

Will they be using a 737 on this route?:8


15th Jul 2004, 15:32
Believe Paderborn is about 5 miles east of the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE.

Biggest nearby city I've heard of is probably Dortmund to the north and Frankfurt to the south, but then again I expect there are people far more qualified to talk about German geography than me, I'm just killing time before I go home...

Might see those new winglet-adorned 73's in SOU, be nice and cramped on the apron when that Britannia 757 I've seen there gets in.


15th Jul 2004, 15:46
Trislander - there are a multitude of search and map facilities on the internet. I find this (http://uk8.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?client=public&X=973750&Y=6715000.92969497&width=500&height=300&gride=974282&gridn=6715240.92969497&srec=0&coordsys=mercator&db=DE&addr1=&addr2=&addr3=paderborn&pc=&advanced=&local=&localinfosel=&kw=&inmap=&table=&ovtype=&scale=4000000) as good as any.

Airport Paderborn-Lippstadt. Used to have a great flying club in the 70's and 80's.

Buster the Bear
15th Jul 2004, 16:03
Are there still many UK troops based in this area of Germany? If so, Aldershot and other major military camps etc are not too far away from Southampton, so a link could be useful for visiting friends and family?

15th Jul 2004, 17:41
I was stationed at Paderborn, in a former Panzer battalion barracks, in 1951. Great place but we were not allowed to visit the town after a 1800hrs curfew!

However, it is Westphalia. The nearest towns are Duisburg, Bielefeld, Dusseldorf, Hameln and others. Still, as BOAC says Google will give you maps. The army still have bases about the area.

and.............there is a fantastic para dropping centre there run by the British Army.