View Full Version : To QR / Qatar with wife and baby ?

14th Jul 2004, 10:50
Hi all, end especially pilots from QR residing in Qatar. I have just been thinking about my application for a job with QR. The question for me is NOT so much the conditions and schedule, but more if its safe and realistic to bring my wife and our baby there. I have red all the treads about QR and I am ofcourse not especially impressed. However, I still think it beats my present LCC conditions in Europe! My only concern is, will the salary as a newhire FO in QR make me able to get a decent housing for a family there, or should I stay in Europe? Whats the real salary like, when all the deductions have been applied? I hope to hear from pilots already in QR, rather than people from outside QR making a comment on this. Thanks, Fg.

14th Jul 2004, 14:35

I am not a pilot but i can comment on the working conditions. Well qatar is the safest country u an ever be.People here especially the citizens are well behaved than ppl from saudi or uae or any other gulf country.U got more questions e-mail me at [email protected] i would be too happy to help u

no sponsor
15th Jul 2004, 16:12
We have an office in Doha, and reguarly send our people for long assignments. Some have taken their families to live in Qatar and seem happy enough. The costs that we budget for in Doha are:

- reasonable 3 bedroom villa £700 - £1000 (UK Sterling)
- food is about 20% cheaper than in the UK
- electricity is quite cheap compared to UK
- Petrol 7p per litre
- Cars can be purchased from departing expats
- Obviously no tax

A quick look at the currency coversion for UK to Qatar Riyal is: 6.745

Snot Rocket Science
20th Jul 2004, 18:35
flyingguy, Doha is certainly a safe enough place for families (as far as anyone can gather so far), plenty of guys I know are very happy with having their families here. But living is not as cheap as no sponsor makes out, although the petrol costs are indeed a plus!
Food is definitely not 20% cheaper than the UK - I don't know where he shops and eats out but I wish he'd spread the word. Some indian/thai/local restaurants are excellent and very cheap, but western ones are definitely not, any bottle of vino will cost you a minimum £15 if you are in one that serves it (hotels only), but family ones are reasonably priced.
Supermarkets are getting very expensive though if you want any European items. OK, there's the shipping costs, but profiteering seems to be taking place on a large scale - as everywhere in Doha. They all want a piece of your tax-free cash.
Still, you can save more than you would in Europe as an FO, and if you have (very) thick skin and can hack the company mentality then the place is pleasant enough to live in.

21st Jul 2004, 09:31
flyingguy if you have been on this site then you have only read things not impressive about QR. Its not really that bad. regards the F/O salary one can expect 7000 USD all inclusive the biggest expense being the accomodation which has gone up of late. Staying with the family is good and a safe place. The salary is good if you can come to terms with living in a small place like Doha its pretty good and education for kids also is of a good standard.

22nd Jul 2004, 12:28
Now maybe I’ve got it wrong, but how do you get $7,000 USD out of the FO package here at QR Mr Weather Man?

7K equals 25,550 riyals. Your basic pay is 14,000 plus 70 riyals an hour. Working on 70 hours, that’s 4,900, which makes a total of 18,900. Out of that come all the extras that are not covered in the package. I refer to the excess cost of accommodation, the cost of buying a motor car (you must have a car here), utility bills, etc.

Housing, Transport, etc., allowances come to 6,600. You will pay around 7,500 for the house, 500 for you mobile phone, 200 for Cable TV, 300 for Internet ADSL. Without the normal necessities of life, food and drink, that totals 8,500. So you are already digging into your 18,900 by 1,900. Then there’s that car I spoke of. Cars are cheap here by most countries’ standards but you still have to buy one.

Perhaps you’re one of those pilots who stays in the hotel room on nightstops eating canned beans? In which case you can add approximately 2,000 riyals in meal allowances and kid yourself that it’s salary. But please don’t join me for dinner down route; I don’t want to pick up your tab.

By my calculations, you’d be very lucky to bank 15,000 riyals a month for your retirement, which by the way, is not included in the deal here.

And if you’re coming here as a Captain just add 6,200 to the above figures.

USD terms? $4,100 for FO’s and $5,800 for Captains as take-home pay provided your do 70 hours scheduled ‘productive!’ hours.

23rd Jul 2004, 08:35
you must be getting confused with my post and the one by Knotaloud.
I have just got hold of the F/O offer letter and its like this
Basic Qr 14000
Housing Qr 5000
Furniture Qr 700
Utility allowance Qr 300
Transport Qr 600
Total Qr 20600

Add to this about 75 hrs flying at the rate of Qr 70/hr that is about
Qr 5250
as i see it you will get about Qr 25850 per month
Addition to this is
75% of actuals upto max Qr 30000 per annum= Qr 2500 per month as school education for kids.
Point increment Qr 420 ( i dont know as yet if this is a yearly rise)
Qr 210 per hour above 780 block hrs - IF OVERTIME is done

Knotaloud is right in giving the monthly expense figures more or less but 7500 Qr for accomodation is in a 4 bedroom top of the line villa i am sure there will be places a bit cheaper also.
regards a car you will get one any place if you work and cars are the cheapest in the middle east now if you end up with a ferrari then thats an individual choice.
These figures are most accurate to the best of my knowledge.

24th Jul 2004, 04:07
15000+5000+700+300+600=20600QR + max 60-65 hrs a month means you get 25150Qr
now .......
7000 for a semi furnished house (means a/c only maybe some kitchen apliences) or 5000-6000 for a striped house ie nothing included (which means you have to pay at least 50000QR to furnish the b***y place) if anybody tells you can find cheaper let them tell me coz im surly looking.....
-1200 water,electricity,internet
-300 mobile phone
-800 land phone (if you call home)
-2500 for a car (which is defenitly not a ferrari) just for a landcruiser prado or something similar
-2000 groceries (eating out not included)
-you have a baby thats another 1000 for pampers and milk (thats if you find the brand you use in the first place)
-dining out well its up to you avrage is about 700
if you think taking home 8000Qr a month without retierment is a good choice then good luck good it looks to me just like any job that pays the bills surly NO CARRIER.........


26th Jul 2004, 19:25
Pal I was only trying to give the expected salary to flyingguy.
I was not telling him that he will save all that money. There are a lot of F/O's joining from european airlines and many feel that even with the expenses they will still make more then what they earn in Europe. I was only giving the figures from the F/O offer letter the QR gave a friend 2 weeks ago.
Anyways I dont want to confuse flyingguy anymore but only want to tell him that the figures on the F/O salary I gave were quite accurate, how much an individual spent or saved was never the issue.
c u guys bye

Safari Goat
27th Jul 2004, 06:37
Sounds like an expensive experience to join QR to me.
I will stay where I am and forget QR for now. Does not look like a place to be for the long life career.

16th Sep 2004, 21:01
Just bringing this thread back to the top for those who are too lazy to look! Here are the wonderful QR packages and some of the facts behind them.

There are several other threads covering much the same detail and giving you an insight into QR and it's conditions. I suggest all that are looking at coming use the search facility.

Until the management changes, this is NOT the place to be unless you have NO OTHER ALTERNATIVE!

30th Sep 2004, 20:24

This is not the way i c things. The company is a good place to work and Doha is a good place to live in. How on earth can u not live with USD 7000 if u r a first officer? A better question would be where on earth will the first officer get that much money in the first place? And IF he gets it, whats the standard of living in that country, the taxes and how much can he put in the bank at the end of the month? Get realy guys, if u r not very happy for one reason or the other, thats fine, but do not go around spraying all the negative feelings in the world about the place and the company. Does the company have problems? For sure, but dont all companies have problems? Most of them have much bigger problems than this one. If this is not the case then how would u explain that people from all over the world are joining QR as captains and first officers? People are coming from europe through asia. This is happening because the company is expanding and offers a good career and because Doha is a safe place to live in and not very expensive and because the money is good. This is my honest objective opinion. Its perfectly healthy for people to disagree. Cheers

ruby tuesday
30th Sep 2004, 21:01
Yes expansion is one reason for the constant employment that takes place at QR but so is the rate at which people leave (or get unfairly fired).
If its such a great place for a career why do so many leave or of those still there why do so many want to get out?

Unfortunately most that join now are because there are no other options. Some have been unfortunate to have been left high n dry by Duo so any job is better than none. Others are ex SQ that got released suring SARs etc etc.
People with QR are just passing through - not that many are seriously considering it a career move - are they???
The company fail to encourage staff to pursue a career by making very little contribution to personal developement - staff 'getting on' is considered a threat to those treading water above them - hence no motivation to develop them....sad for such a young expanding airline that desperately needs a backbone of decent management to fulfill its plans...

2nd Oct 2004, 06:33
The average turn over rate in the cabin crew department....


Totan n° F/As 1300

That is annual refresh rate of more then 75%!!!!!!

Pilots....I dont even dare to calculate that one!

Eagle 320, Its good to see you motivated. Its good to stay positive about things and everybody who has been on these forums know that I am one of the most positive guys (or girl??) here considering QR....

But do not go blind just because QR is expanding! We are suffering at the moment and every dept has reached ist limit at this moment!

If we are lucky, we will survive. If there is any strange twist of faith the whole cake will crumble before our eyes...

Wait and see ( at least one more year)
