View Full Version : Star, Universal, and Rum Air

14th Jul 2004, 02:46
Anybody have any news or rumors?

14th Jul 2004, 04:35
I see you are very interested in the jordan based charter airlines. Did you ever fly for them?

Air Rum has recently acquired another L1011 again from Orient Thai, so now they have a total of 3 aircarft. One Tristar is wetleased to Libyan Arab airlines.

Air Universal has wet leased the two 747's to Iran air till Nov 2005. Both JY-AUA & AUB can be spotted in Jeddah.

Star air is still sitting in Sharjah i think.

18th Jul 2004, 14:06
Dear pia 747 all the info the you posted is incorrect rum air has 4 l-1011 not 3 and they do not have any contract with Libya, they lost that contract 4 months ago, air universal only has 1 747 and is on a dry lease with Iran for two more months and not until 2005 and is also true that all this companies do not pay their pilots, only when they are in bad need so if you are working for any of this outfits,rum,universal,star(the worst),Jordan aviation be aware sooner or later they are going to get you

18th Jul 2004, 14:58
Lots of ex-Star and Universal guys wending their ways back to Air Atlanta....and glad to be here!

18th Jul 2004, 16:04
You might want to recheck with your source. Both the B747s are on Wet lease. I am in contact with pilots flying for them based in Iran. They are also using Iran air pilots due to shortage.
Just last week The air universal president was in Tehran and extended the contract to Nov 2005.

19th Jul 2004, 13:14
Dear 747 fanatic you are also in the limbo or probably chating with the wrong person the 2nd 747 still seating in evergreen - one eng and it is confirmed a dry lease for two more months, the president was only offering a better deal but it was denied. but that is not important what really matters is the lack of payment ,so you must be part of the management of any of this companies or have no clue what so ever on what is going on. just be aware they DO NOT PAY THEIR PILOTS.

19th Jul 2004, 15:03
Do you mind sharing your source? I got mine from the air universal management. True, they lie. SO i am not sure about the 2nd aircraft or the length of the contract. However i do know that its not a dry lease, as i know a pilot who is flying for them now.

19th Jul 2004, 18:00
So what is Universal doimg with their Tri Stars? With Haj coming up where will these guys get pilots?
747 fanitic, are you a pilot flying in the region, it seems that I should know you, reply via private message if you like.

18th Sep 2004, 11:52
Air Universal are casting about now for L1011 Captains, age 60 apparently no factor, pay is $9,000/month for the Haj....if you receive it.
Upfront by the month prefered, including ticket home.
Their TriStars are not RVSM approved, so I'm told, so expect to suck up fuel like a very big Hoover...and hope not to run short.

18th Sep 2004, 14:55
When did Star air get the 747s?? they seem to be looking for crew now.

18th Sep 2004, 16:08
It has been reported that Air Universal and Star Air have had their AOC, etc revoked by the Director of Civil Aviation in Sierra Leone. See


I have heard suggestions that similar action has been taken in respect of all Sierra Leone AOC holders (6 to 8 airlines) not based in Sierra Leone. I do not know if the airlines involved now hold AOCs from other states.

Does anyone know the facts?

18th Sep 2004, 19:21
I heard that Star has had their certificate re-instated, and has something cooking, Rum is also operating but do not know where or under what certificate.
I wonder where Star got the airplanes, or even if they have them yet, there is something strange about the whole situation, maybe they are trying to build up a pilot pool so they are not short on the Hajj???

411A - 9000.00 a month? That is a scream! No one will see that much money. If you want I can itemize the excuses they will have as to why your pay is several thousand short. You can not make demands to those people there as they will just find someone else. Take what you can get, and live with it.

18th Sep 2004, 20:07
I hear these airlines are paying big bucks for Tristar Pilots. Can somebody confirm?

18th Sep 2004, 23:07
StarAir (http://www.starairltd.com)

AirRum (http://www.airrum.com)

AirUniversal (http://www.airuniversalltd.com)

SkyGate (http://www.skygate-int.com)

GlobeJet (http://www.globejetairlines.com)

:ooh: :ooh: :ooh:

19th Sep 2004, 02:20
Globe Jet probably pays the most and you stay in a nice hotel. The pay is really dismal on the whole
For a Captain Rum 3000.per month
Universal 3,000 per month
Star 3500 pr month
and about 100. per day per diem
During Hajj you are promised around 9000. per month, but don't fill out deposit slips , as you will rarely see it. Except for Rum, pay stays the same.

19th Sep 2004, 21:06
are you just assuming those figures?

Universal pays Captains USD7000/month and good hotels.

19th Sep 2004, 21:35
I am giving the figures as I was given. Now maybe Universal might give a pilot up to 4,000 a month and if you add the perdiem of 100 per day then there is 7000. The base at star is 3500 per month, after you are there a while maybe another 1000, or if you are a tough negotiator, that is, with per diem , 7500. All in all, not so great. Especially if you loose some of the per diem. RUM is a flat 3000. base and 100 per day 6000. flat
As for hotels, depends on who is paying. If the contractor is paying, sometimes hotels can be nice, if the company is paying, Globe is the only one I know of that really uses nice hotels. Even Saudia put us in a dump ( Kandara Palace) when I first joined them. Then they later moved to the Intercon

19th Sep 2004, 23:42

4th Oct 2004, 13:31
OH boy guys, this is going to get real sticky soon.
A new operator "Gee BEE' based in Athens is looking for L-1011 drivers. They are using GlobeJet aircraft I have been told. 4500 + 50 per day PD when gone for Capt and 3500 for F/O F/E. And they want you to pay the recurrent training.....If more than 6 months since the last one!
I have kindly refused, thank you.
Unfortunately the Portugese and Jordanians will take that salary, because of their costs of living!
Good luck to all and keep the blue side up Ladies!!!

4th Oct 2004, 15:37
Pay for one's own recurrent training? I haven't heard that before. Doubt that will last long. I presume that experienced L10 crews are or will soon be in short supply, especially in December when the Hadj spools up. And I haven't seen or heard of anybody in JED who is flying the Hadj as captain at those pay rates.

5th Oct 2004, 00:34
Good on you for turning it down! Globe started out offering great salarys, great hotels, paid tickets home for leave and we called it "Fantisy Air" It didn't take them long until they made big cuts, too bad. Hajj is really the only time to cash in on the Tristar rating, if whoever decided to pay you.
Read my post above.

5th Oct 2004, 07:58
As you say the Hadj will be starting in less than 2 months. They better get their #$^7 together. Will the rates go up for rated crews as the heat starts? I for one, am hoping that I will get a call sooner rather than later! Guess I will have to send those resumes to all over again and wait for "better" conditions.
Good luck to all again!

5th Oct 2004, 12:10

Most are already hiring or have hired for Hajj, but believe me , sometimes what you are promised is not what you get. I guess they figure that we (L1011 drivers) will be happy with whatever we get.

17th Oct 2004, 02:58
Email from Air Universal received by an L10 Captain:

We pay usd 7000 a month. Effective 15Dec04 it is increased to usd 9000 a month, until Feb 15, 2005.
No perdiem.
Hotac and transportation paid by the company.
Tickets for joining and return.
Pay either bank transfer to any account around the world, or any arrangement according to your instruction.
If agreeable, advise date of travel so we can send PTA.
Please expediate because we are hiring now.

:E :E :E

17th Oct 2004, 03:43
"Pay either bank transfer to any account around the world, or any arrangement according to your instruction."

[COLOR=darkred]That would be cash in hand!

17th Oct 2004, 04:53
Air Universal 747 have better flying compared to the L1011. Currently based in Tehran flying for Iran air. Unlimited deadheading on Iran air network. The chief pilot is a good friend of mine.