View Full Version : Dashed yellow taxi lines

13th Jul 2004, 16:43
Can anyone tell me the difference between a solid yellow taxiway
line and a dashed one please ? Looked in the Jepps but no joy finding answer. Just curious that's all. Thanks in advance. BP

13th Jul 2004, 17:59
Centre line or edge line ?
Taxiways are identified by a continuous yellow centerline stripe. A taxiway may include edge markings to define the edge of the taxiway. This is usually done when the taxiway edge does not correspond with the edge of the pavement. If an edge marking is a continuous line, the paved shoulder is not intended to be used by aircraft. If it is a dashed marking, an aircraft may use that portion of the pavement.

14th Jul 2004, 13:14
Thank you.
It's a dashed yellow centreline. The area I question is GA area " P " at Nice.

16th Jul 2004, 07:04
Paper Tiger , the source, please ?

16th Jul 2004, 16:12
the source, please

From the AIM, which doesn't seem to be web-accessible, but this extract (http://www.faatest.com/books/AK/6-3.htm) is.

16th Jul 2004, 18:49
I think the phrase you might be looking for is 'non-standard'.

Is this GA area an apron? If so markings are less well defined in the International SARPs etc. - or, to put it another way, there's lots of variations and local invention.

Certainly it doesn't tie up with any of the normal markings used in the UK.

16th Jul 2004, 20:17
Yellow dashed markings are sometimes used to help marshallers identify the parking line to ensure safe wingtip clearance for non-standard parking manoeuvres, eg self-manoeuvre on a nose-in parking stand.

17th Jul 2004, 10:44
Musket90 and Spitoon are both correct, at least in the U.S. Where I am, we have 2 rows of planes, front row and back row. Between the front and back row we have the common yellow edged in black centerline used by departing aircraft from both front and back row. But when arriving, the front row uses the solid yellow/black centerline, while the back row uses a broken yellow line as a centerline. A broken yellow line can also identify "out of bounds, or hazard areas"

Hope this helps