View Full Version : qatar airways

12th Jul 2004, 02:29
hi everyone,

just would like to know if Qatar Airways will hire non rated pilots.what is their response time? I have 8000 hrs total time with 5000 pic most of it jet time(but on their types)

I meant NOT on their types

12th Jul 2004, 04:14
If you use the search function in the Middle East forum, you will find hundreds (literally) of posts on the subject of Qatar Airways and their entry requirements.

I am sorry, but in shortcut terms, I don't know the answer to your question, but it's bound to be somewhere in the previous posts. Good luck with your endeavours.


Safari Goat
12th Jul 2004, 08:45

The requirements change all the time.

Good luck

Hajj Man
12th Jul 2004, 08:58
Changes all the time is a understatement,

I was in the office the other day and the word was "many Jet Airways (737) guys direct entry captains on the A-300 and A-320. I don't know any of this for a fact, so don't quote me

I also heard that some UK small jet RJ company went out of buisness and a bunch of those guys got seats in Qatar as well. Not sure if it was left or right seat.

Then I was in the office the other day and heard that the non-type rated guys were going into a pool and they were just not looking at any more "NON-TYPED" guys right now.

Who knows just the right place at the right time here with QR is what it is all about.

Good Luck, as they might change this policy again soon and might have even done so already as I type this post reply.

Hajj Man


12th Jul 2004, 13:15
Hajj Man is right. Nothing is written down. Stories abound about how some new hires were told this, some that, what direction AAB will take next week, etc.

There is NO CAREER here at the moment. No seniority lists, inept rostering, and no contract has been forthcoming since the announcement of the change.

What is known of the new 'contract' itself is a bad deal. Particularly for FO's who spend considerably more time than captains positioning and not getting paid for it.

FO's are NOT being upgraded and are rightly angry about it. They see non-qualified DEC's arriving every day to put them further away from command. Additionally, they see new hire FO's going straight to a full course on the 330 while they linger on the 320 and 300.

Add to this the lack of normal contractual items such as decent housing, lousy staff travel, non-cumulative sick leave and the informal "list" of things 'not allowed' and it doesn't make for a happy working environment.

13th Jul 2004, 14:54
Just wondering what is the "normal" fleet upgrade expected as F/O? Is it the same for the Captains? Have there been any upgrades from the A320 to the A330 or from the A300 to the A330? What is the “policy”?

Thanks for the info.


Hajj Man
13th Jul 2004, 15:12
That is a tough question to answer as their is policy change all the time and QR seems to not have a policy in place.

If they do have a policy, for anything, it is not given to us in a "EMPLOYEE HANDBOOK" it is all just rumour and nothing is jotted down in "the great big book of everything" for us to see.

Actually it is written down but the latest revision has not gotten to us as yet. you have to hear it through a rumour ( we know how those rumours are) or some-one you know goes to get something done in the office and finds out that "OHHHHH THERE IS A NEW POLICY"

So that question is tough Alfa Mike.

Last few months some captains from A-300 to A-330 and some from A-300 F/O to A-330 F/O............... Not sure if any from A-320 fleet .?????????????

Upgrades from RHS to LHS? Have not heard of any, just a carrot dangling infront of a few and they being told, " you will get the chance soon"

Heard in the rumour vill, 5 capts and 5 f/os from A320 and A300 will be sent to A330 capt and f/o seat every month but i think this month there was ZERO, NONE, ZIP............But I don't know that for a fact. I know I was with a F/o the other day and he has a friend that got his letter to go to the A-330 but no date to go as yet..... Just a selection letter.


13th Jul 2004, 15:25

Thank you very much for the info. That was quick. Just out of curiosity what aircraft R U flying?

Best regards,
