View Full Version : Overgenerous schedules..

11th Jul 2004, 20:26
I'm intrigued on views that no matter how overgenerous BA schedules continue to grow by, flight punctuality seems to get worse ( Jan- May 04 LHR :- 33% ontime departures and 37% ontime arrivals; source: Skyport, 09/07/04).

Da Dog
12th Jul 2004, 07:15
Try lack of step drivers:confused:

Only one at work after 2 in T4:uhoh:

Poor stand allocation, leading to 30-45 min waits on the ground:{

12th Jul 2004, 07:37

Arrival holds at LHR are normally 10-12 mins, but occasionally 35.

Once on the ground it may take anything between 3 mins (T1) and 30 minutes(T4) to taxy to your allocated stand which may or may not be vacant.

Following the arrival of a dispatcher we can park but then find ourselves at the mercy of the limited number of step drivers and wheelchair pushers.

Having finally disembarked all the pax we are free to vacate the aircraft but might have to wait for MT to take us to the next aircraft (which has also been subject to the above)

T4 can be the worst.

On a '40' minute CDG into T4 you could get 20 mins holding, land on the northerly so 20 mins to taxy, then wait 20 mins for a stand - ie one hour late on a 40 min flight.

Later on that day there is no holding, land on 27L, stand empty - ie on time or early.

We are trying. BA is trying. LHR is crowded and unpredictable.

12th Jul 2004, 11:23
For some very informative data on comparative punctuality at LHR and elsewhere check out:
> Media Corner
> Press Releases
> Jun 04 Punctuality Data Tables

First quarter, admittedly