View Full Version : Kuwait and Bahrain

11th Jul 2004, 11:24
Two questions

1) Will be spending quite a few layovers in Kuwait City So looking for info on places to visit eating establishments entertainment etc

2) Also a contact number or e-mail address for DHL in BAH They have advert for 727 people in FI but the link to apply appears not to work

Thanks in advance :ok:

11th Jul 2004, 13:09
TGIF's up by the Kuwait Towers is a good place to eat and the scenery is great. Also up that way are a bunch of american chain restaurants ranging from applebys to mcdonalds. All on the gulf road not far from the city or you could try the eateries in the Sultan Centre.
Lots of small arabic eateries around all over the place at cheap prices.

TAF Oscar
11th Jul 2004, 16:15
DHL Bahrain +973 17723636

14th Jul 2004, 02:41
Listen to Faheel. I put about 50 lbs on at that group of restaurants, also scenery is very good there!!!!