View Full Version : Ryanair boss to bid for Aer Lingus

11th Jul 2004, 06:34
Michael O'Leary, the boss of Ryanair, and a consortium of airline pilots are expected to challenge Aer Lingus management in a €1bn (Ģ670m) battle to privatise the Irish state airline.

Dublin sources have said that Mr O'Leary is putting together a group to bid for Aer Lingus. This would not be an offer by Ryanair itself, but would see the two Irish airlines run separately by the same boss.

The normally outspoken Mr O'Leary has not commented on his intentions.

11th Jul 2004, 08:31
I know I would not want O'Leary as my boss!:(

11th Jul 2004, 08:51
i bet its a load of rubbish purely done to destabilise (attempt at least) Aer Lingus in any way possible. There would be no point in Ryanair backed purchase of Aer Lingus unless the price was a corker. This sort of stuff happens all the time, look at philip green and M&S - i bet he has a tonne of stock he will sell when the price is right.

Doug the Head
11th Jul 2004, 10:04
Well, I guess this is MOLīs counter offensive to the rumours about Stelios courting investors taking EZY private.

Any publicity = free publicity... :rolleyes:

11th Jul 2004, 10:30
Are you sure this report is correct? I saw a report last week which suggests that Texas Pacific of which David Bonderman, Ryanair's Chairman, is boss, was considering a bid. Perhaps someone saw a reference to "Ryanair's boss" and assumed it was MO'L rather than DB.

Of course, the chances of MO'L being allowed within a One Eleven's noise footprint of Aer Lingus is zilch. Remember that there's a cabinet committee looking at EI at the moment, chaired by the Taoiseach, whose opinion of MO'L is not particularly good. And that's forgetting about the competition authority's view of Ryanair and EI having the same boss.

I just don't see it as a runner.

11th Jul 2004, 13:40
It's also a very good way of diverting attention from internal difficulties!?!?!?!?!?!

12th Jul 2004, 15:12
Would be highly sceptical of this one. Why in gods name would MOL want to go anywhere near EI let alone be allowed by the teflon coated taoiseach and his cronies.

Given the highly unionised structure in EI it wouldn't make sense to invest that sort of money knowing that an almighty row would be just around the corner if he tried to introduce FR's T & C's.

I'd agree with Aeroskid that it is more likley the Texas Pacific boss that was referred to but in this industry nothing would surprise me. Watch this space..!!!

12th Jul 2004, 19:48
Come to that where would MOL find a consortium of Pilots to bid with him???