View Full Version : Orex Cargo Operating For Qatar Airways

10th Jul 2004, 08:30
Ten out of ten to the bright spark from QR who decided to lease a relpacement A300-B4 Freighter from a company called Orex, whilst the regular Qatar Airways Cargo Freighter A300-600R, A7-AFB, is undergoing hangar maintenance until mid July.

Apparently there is a huge streak of fear sweeping Doha and QR Towers (nothing new there, then) with rumours that said manager will be "terminated" once AAB finds out that Orex has been spelt with an "E" and not a "Y", and that AAB was even seen running after the man with an Oxford English Dictionary to prove the point!

(Not true, really but this was the level of humour amongst the QR cockpit crews that i have just met down-route. And who says they lead boring lives............)

Joking aside, anyone know what's wrong with AFB? Or is it just in for regular sched maintenance? I was told that the visit to the hangar was very much unplanned and that it had taken a while to source the aptly named Orex machine.


Hajj Man
10th Jul 2004, 08:55
They say it is down for a "C" check. It is over in Abu Dhabi I think and should of been back a while ago but no conformation on that one.

It has been the longest "C" check I have ever seen. so it must be some other things doing to it??????????????