View Full Version : CSA - Czech Airlines recruitment, interview; benefits & salary

9th Jul 2004, 10:20
Hallo everyone,

I would like to know something about recruitment at CSA Czech Airlines - i.e. interviews / selection process and also employment benefits (package), salary etc.

Thank you very much for your information and help

Best regards

PM or mail to: [email protected]

9th Jul 2004, 17:12
Hallo Blan'k9715,

some infos you requested.
Check www.csa.cz for entry requirements.Looking for new pilots into the pool.Still fluent in czech required,but about to change in near future(probably not your case :-))

Interview takes about four days :
-english and czech language skill test
-tech Qs(L8168,..)
-tech intervie
-psychological test
-final interview

New entrants will join ATR 42-72 or B 737-500/400 fleet.
No DEC!! Strong seniority system.

Untill type rated 20 950,- Kč
Basic FO salary starting from 41 000,- Kč, FO top 74 000,- Kč.Plus 115 Kč,- / landing, 410,- Kč/flight hour.If on longhaul plus 25% of first step.
New union negotiations will start in weeks.

1Euro=approx.32,- Kč

Regards to Žilina :-))

Good luck

10th Jul 2004, 14:38
Nice to hear from Zilina, birthplace of my father. I am flying the A330 out of the UK, but am happy to hear of the Air Transport college in Zilina. Maybe I will visit.

10th Jul 2004, 15:24
Why would you look at CSA when you have Skyeurope and Slovak Airlines in your backyard with a flat tax of 19%? Things are dodgy over here. Seniority system not the best, will have to be revamped, the pay is a fraction of a normal pilot's salary. A lot of people are looking to the upcoming negotiations before bailing out...Major delays in getting negotiated items in the last contract. The Prez is on the right track and doing the right moves but will he survive after the fall of the government?

Good luck, and get your facts and don't sign anything unless you studied it carefully. Of course you'll have no time to read it but don't get bullied into signing a contract unless you read it.

11th Jul 2004, 22:09
Dear sir,

I sugest you look at other airlines, as unless you have 200 hours and no other skills. If you are Slovak stay home you will have better luck there. The money sucks, upgrades are slow and cumbersome. anyhow good luck. If you have an E.U. passport looks elesware. YOU HAVE BEEN FORWARNED!!!!!

12th Jul 2004, 05:48
We got a saying back home,

Money talks and b#$@#it walks.

I ain't got no money.


15th Jul 2004, 20:56
Does anyone know whether or not they employ EU residents? Vikings in particular?

15th Jul 2004, 22:13
You have to get through the gate keeper that doesn't understand what you want:\

Q: Do you have any jobs available?

A: According to Warsaw convention we have no bananas. Heavy traffic over west Europe.

Think I am kidding? Have some fun on a Friday afternoon and phone the airport information at +420 220111111 and ask for human resources. :E

15th Jul 2004, 22:35
Yeah.Now we have really people interested in joining us at this place where the dirt is at home..splendidl,let them come,let them pass all the tests that were set up to prevent sane people to come here.
I say,let them come.Lets greet them with a smile and grin.

There is always waiting and seeing.

And i suggest a psychiatrist as well.Amen.


Red Snake
16th Jul 2004, 07:49
So Franz Kafka is alive and well, and posting on PPRuNE.

17th Jul 2004, 11:12
Hi S.71,

As posted earlier,you should speak czech fluently at the moment but this requirement is under strong discussion now as the available workforce is really drying up.
Otherwise no problem with EU residents.
However: If you are looking for Valhalla
go ahead and search elsewhere.

17th Jul 2004, 22:01
The requirement to speak fluent Czech is not an issue with the flight ops department and by default the pilots. It's everybody else that you need to deal with that is the problem. An unyielding bureacracy that is designed to drive people insane and the lack of communication skills at all levels will be the issue once CSA starts to hire 'foreigners'.

Oh, and don't forget that it's just the aviation part, god help you when you have to deal with day to day living, like finding an apartment, getting to and from work, getting and licensing a car!! boy that is a good one worthy of a few days in the loony bin....needless to say, it's okay for the short term, like a max of six months but then you'll slowly start to turn into a turnip!:}

Now, who's fault is it that the workforce is drying up? Could it be that CSA pay has been and is extremely below average? To the tune of 40% of everybody else? What about a level playing field instead of price dumping? The old kid on the block wants advantages but doesn't want to pay the price? I am sure that if the pay was upped, then it would attract more local Czechs, but at this rate all that CSA is going to attract is transient labor interested in getting the experience and the hours.....great isn't it? A company whose history stretches back to the twenties and is too damn cheap to reward its work force...great...

Sell the thing and let someone competent have a go at it instead of hiding behind government ownership.

7th Sep 2004, 09:42
Any news, yet? Especially regarding the promise to quit the 7 days on, 2 off turkey?

Brgds, FD.