View Full Version : Ryanair's looking at a new baggage policy

Capt Chambo
9th Jul 2004, 06:08
From the BBC's website:-


9th Jul 2004, 07:24
What is this man on !

I was under the impression that he was having difficulty filling seats so what on earth will this idea do for his figures ? The only people that travel with carry on baggage are weekend trippers and business men, what about all the owners abroad that rely on Ryanair and need to take baggage. Or is this all another publicity stunt !

9th Jul 2004, 08:21
I think MOL has prob taken innovation a step too far this time..

Their handling agents have lost my luggage twice so will prob save me some hassle..

9th Jul 2004, 08:34
MOL has finally gone over the edge and lost the plot! If RYR are to survive someone needs to lock him up quick. The way things are going I see the airline going to the wall very rapidly, leaving a lot of wreckage (lost jobs) behind it. Is MOL on a self-destruct campaign?

9th Jul 2004, 08:41
I do Think that MOL has lost the plot. I am not just having a gripe hear, I think that the man ONLY sees money, not passenger. There is a lot more to running a company than just the money, passenger as a whole are not going to go for this, maybe some will but whats the point in losing passenger to the competition.

Someone at the top of the company, please, you've already seen other warning signs. go with your gut feeling, get rid of him before he F***s it up ( to Quote mr Bonderman !)

9th Jul 2004, 08:47
There's also a thread on this at Passengers and SLF !

bacardi walla
9th Jul 2004, 09:19
ah yes, but the next step will be to fill the empty seats with.................baggage !!

9th Jul 2004, 09:32
He is just keeping them in the news thats all.

9th Jul 2004, 09:36
This is the opening paragraph from the Independent today:

"Ryanair IS to discourage passengers from putting suitcases in the hold of its aeroplanes as part of a crackdown on costs."

I would have thought they would, we don't want SLF walking over the ramp and stuffing their own bags in the hold, no wonder Aviance workers are worried!!

Seriously, this may appear a cost saver to M O'L but for me and many others this would mean I would not consider FR for anything but daytrips. I certainly would not take my family and all our luggage on board their aircraft.

I think the IAA and CAA should review this in the light of potential safety implications of over-loading the overhead bins.

9th Jul 2004, 10:14
There is one body of people who carry the most influence - passengers - don't book on them, don't fly on them, totally boycott them - result: this foul mouthed charlatan and his crappy outfit rapidly go down the pan! Easy (no pun intended!)

9th Jul 2004, 10:41
As one who travels with RYR at least 15 times a year, and very seldom have other than hand luggage, this idea gets my backing. :ok:

However if you have watched Mr O'Leary's statements over some time he has previously stated that those without bags cost him less money and should be able to travel for less.

I suggest he will go down the road of selling seats cheaper to those with hand baggage and later on sell baggage allowances at the time you book your flight.

An awfully clever man Mr O'Leary. :D

9th Jul 2004, 11:11
Perhaps MOL wants to set a new business in clothes and toiletry rental
at a very reasonable price!!! probably make more money than the airline

Golf India Bravo

9th Jul 2004, 11:23
I seem to remember seeing that the IL86 was designed with a baggage hold like a bus, as you got on you stowed it yourself, then ascended the internal stairs. Theres an awful lot of IL86s parked up around Eastern Europe !!

9th Jul 2004, 13:57
RYR IL-86s, now you're talking :ok: . Ding ding, move down to the back please! :D

9th Jul 2004, 15:24
Seems to me that all MOL is after is to sell seats with only Hand Baggage Allowed and then to sell people a seperate Cargo Allowance (So really not so cheap a Flight!!!!!).

And if you do want to put Bags in the Hold you've got to carry then through yourself (Remembering not to Pack any Razors, Scissors or Nail Clipper's in your Hold luggage as you are carrying it Airside so it must be Security Checked and Cleared, the same as Hand Luggage which will also mean not carrring any presents Christmas or Birthday that are Wrapped as Security will need to be able to visually inspect them if they are at all suspcious)

Seems like not a very good idea to me.

Faire d'income
9th Jul 2004, 16:36
I'm not one that normally agrees with MOL but he could be on to something with this.

9th Jul 2004, 18:21
JAFcon I doubt very very much if there is any suggestion, other than here, that people will carry hold luggage anywhere.

It will be checked in and presumably pre paid according to weight.

I would say that RYR are driving this for 2 reasons.

1. To further reduce costs i.e. what he pays for baggage handling he makes in customer charges.
2. A general reduction in hold luggage which will further assist those incredible 25 minute turn rounds.

Remember all the fuss about RYR only allowing 15kg luggage ? Well most of the other low cost carriers have ended up following MOL.

A bold move this one and gets my congratulations if it keeps getting me to London on time and for a very reasonable fare :O

Optical Illyushin
9th Jul 2004, 18:52

Whatever MOL does will filter through to the rest of the industry whether it proves to be good or bad for the punter. Bottom line is the only one that counts......

Assist those incredible 25 minute turnarounds? Well if you believe HIS figures he doesn't need any assistance thankyou very much! He claims to have something like 97% on time performance.