View Full Version : Is MOL approaching the brink!

8th Jul 2004, 21:35
The last few weeks, being on the outside looking in, some of the things going on there is really quite stunning. To think I was going to give Declan ring about joining when my contract ends towards the end of this year, think I will give it a miss. I do feel for you guys there, saying and making suggestions are of little help when you have a lunatic at the helm. The saying of “absolute power” fits well with him. He is moving the LLC’s to new lows to which there will be no return (real trailer trash stuff).

On the few occasions that a have had the pleasure of a six sector day the only thing that kept us going was the steady supply of refreshments coming through the door!

Then we get to the no hold baggage (unless you pay), non reclining seats, no window blinds, paying for LPC/OPC, what sort of nonsense is all that then, maybe he is just trying to turn the thumb screws on BAA with the baggage thing, maybe they should put the squeeze on him a bit, he needs them a lot more than they need him.

From a business point of view company cannot have any fat left on it, well apart from the wining over paid pilots, now the EU is open he could have the whole lot flown by the east Europeans. He could put them up in the new detention centre on the airport and give them a small allowance for things like water, tea, coffee and maybe a curry once a week. (now, Mick this is joke, I do not want you to get any ideas, but I am sure you are a lot quicker than I am, so you must have thought about this years ago)

I would like to hear what Herb Kelleher (and Stelios, Barbara) think of all this.

I think, I could go on and on about this but I have to fly tomorrow (with drinks and food I will savour it just a bit more before it is all gone).


9th Jul 2004, 08:03
I am very surprised that you dont have to pay for your refreshments or is that next on the plans. !

Optical Illyushin
9th Jul 2004, 09:31

well apart from the wining over paid pilots

If you'd like to edit your posting and let us know whether you're calling us "Winning" or "Whining" we might be able to respond.

Pre-empting this (without wishing to offend) we're neither! We're not whining, we are doing something now and not winning (yet;) ).

You ARE right on one thing - MOL seems to have lost it (that's the plot AND the support of his staff). You only have to count the number of and nature of the threads on PPrune to see that. How long before the shareholders also see it, THAT's the question!


again, sorry, not sure whether you know Triplespool and your comment relates to his employer BUT if not and it's aimed at FR then I'm sure you know FR crews have to pay for refreshments and a whole lot more!

9th Jul 2004, 21:41
Optical Illyushin, of course I mean "Whining" just a slip of the keyboard, all this was a ‘tongue in cheek’ comment directed at "Mick" that’s all. No disrespect to any of you, I know you all put in the hours and do a hard job.

I was aiming for FR later this if they would have me, but I do not want to work for a tos@er like him who respects no one.

All the best
