View Full Version : Air Atlanta - Age Restriction

6th Jul 2004, 05:42
The recent climbto350 air atlanta job post says that the maximum age for employment is 63. Does the iceland CAA allow flying till 65 ?

7th Jul 2004, 10:07
Don't know but the word is they're having difficulty getting crews so that's probably why they've gone up to 63 from 60.

7th Jul 2004, 19:23
Yes, the Icelandic CAA has the 65 rule, but seeing that most of AAI operations are everywhere else but Iceland the 60 rule has been adobted by the company - True, if 63 is the limit now, it doese surely point to a major crew shortages.

14th Jul 2004, 09:37
Anybody know what experience Air Atlanta is looking for and what kind of positions they are having difficulty finding crew for? Are the crews that operate out of the UK based in the UK, or in Iceland? Anyone know what the T & Cs are like?

Thanks in advance.

14th Jul 2004, 11:57
Air Atlanta are looking for positive thinking crew members more than willing to break any and all regulations to include, duty time,
DDPG (MEL), not ever complain about salary, days off , believe every lie jerry says and remain mum about salary differences often found in your monthly wage.
Go Search Air Atlanta, read the problem yourself.

15th Jul 2004, 08:30

To offer a more "constructive" answer to your question. AAI is always looking for competent crew, on both the 747 and 757/767 fleets. Low experience is not usually an overwhelming obstacle IF you can do the job. Proof of that is provided by interview and sim assessments. Specific numbers can be obtained from AAI or Airborne.

Crews operating from UK are, after line training, based in the UK... ie UK taxes. Only Icelanders based in Iceland as far as I know.

Sniping reponses from guys like Howlowcanugo, help no-one. He has obviously NOT fathomed the lower limits of his potential .... YET. Just because he was chucked by AAI, he feels he is an expert on ACMI, perhaps a stint with Kabo would re-align his gyros?. My experience with the company (AAI) has been varied as well, buit NEVER dangerous or even close to matching his aspersions.

Make sure which outfit you are joining though, there is a difference between AAI and Air Atlanta Europe (contractually). Both Chief Pilots are excellent at what they do!:ok:

18th Jul 2004, 23:34
When are we going to stop this nonsense re age?
If a pilot is able to pass his Class 1 medical there is NO logical reason for that pilot not to fly! Lots and lots of good experience is being lost every year to aviation by this stupid man made rule! And let's face it, sorry to say, but the quality of some of "modern mans" pilot skills, ability and basic training sometimes leaves alot to be desired!!! Flying by the "seat of the pants" just isn't fashionable anymore!

19th Jul 2004, 01:04
'New' guys don't fly by the seat of their pants...they use the FMS/FMC and, sometimes, sadly have poor handling skills, as a result.
A/P in, most of the time, results in Johnnie being behind, with basic piloting skills.
And, it ain't likely to get better, anytime soon.