View Full Version : Info on Bulgarian MD80 operator

6th Jul 2004, 01:10
Anyone out there have any information about a Bulgarian MD80 operator? Reputation, location etc.

Appreciate any information.

Boss Raptor
6th Jul 2004, 06:33
Bulgarian Air Charter

Been chartered in for many years by major Western European tour companies with TU154M fleet

HQ is Sofia but most flights operate from Burgas and Varna

6th Jul 2004, 19:21
Thanks for the info. Are they considered "reputable".....compliant, safe operation? How many MD80's are they operating? and any idea for how long they have been in the MD80 "business"?

Thanks again.

Boss Raptor
6th Jul 2004, 19:49
Will be 3 MD's in total - 6 months

From a distant involvement with their TU154 fleet I would say they are both technically and operationally qualified. As they have operated/operate regularly into the UK and are subject to UK SAFA checks without fault/incident for many years I assume the above also. The fact that major UK and European tour operators use them also would indicate a degree of quality - any further comment would be outside my knowledge/experience/remit

9th Jul 2004, 15:57
I know that Bulgarian pilots get trained here in Switzerland by Swiss Aviation Training, the school subdivision of Swiss International. So at least that should be ok. I think they have enough pilots, only Bulgarian.