View Full Version : Acne due sweat?

4th Jul 2004, 17:59
I fly in a small hot cockpit in hot conditions (Central Africa). My shirt is constantly bathed in sweat, particularly my back, against the leather seat. Have for a while now suffered from acne on my back. The doc at a recent medical suggested it may be due to the sweat.

Just wondering if anyone else has had this problem and/or knows a remedy?


4th Jul 2004, 18:35
My father who was stationed with the airforce in Malaysia always wore a vest which he said was to take the sweat away and so not have his shirt damp.

He said the sweat evaporated quicker. I never recall him having acne on his back.

Bird Strike
5th Jul 2004, 03:36
Sweat might be encouraging the acne-causing bacteria, or the acne may not even be connected to sweat at all (acne on the back is fairly common).

If it is indeed sweat related, wear a cotton shirt, not cotton-poly or poly. Cotton shirts tend to absorb the sweat better and is more comfortable in hot climate anyway.

5th Jul 2004, 04:32

I suffer from the same problem. I live in a hot, humid climate and I sweat like a pig, especially my lower back area when I'm sitting on a leather or plastic seat.

It's disgusting, no two ways about it. It really makes me feel uncomfortable and sometimes embarrased if I have people behind me with my shirt soaked through. I don't know how the locals handle it, though. I see these poor guys wearing army uniforms in the 30 plus heat with 95% humidity, but their skin is a lot darker than mine so maybe it doesn't bother them so much.

I have some acne on my back too, which does seem to get worse during the humid summers.

In Asia you can buy bamboo seat covers that fit over your seat. They really help. Bamboo does wonders for keeping things cool.

I don't know if you can buy Bamboo seat covers in Africa through.

Raymond Ginardon
6th Jul 2004, 04:48
I had the same problem, but elsewhere (caused by sweat around oxy mask and helmet).. Rather an overkill, but I was put on low-dose antibiotics (minocin? or something like that) - cured the problem with no (apparent) side effects.


6th Jul 2004, 21:04
Try a cotton vest, and prickly heat powder amy also help (if it's available)