View Full Version : HNL 747 SP's?

30th Jun 2004, 04:53
Does anyone know about a part 121 or part 91 operation out of HNL. They are supposed to be using 747 SP's and have a class in training now. Seems the DO is someone named O'Shea.

Help would be appreciated.

1st Jul 2004, 00:47
Saw a job post recently. Sweetwater Air Security ?? Saw a guy on flightinfo asking about it, but no one responded. Tried to Google it and came up with nothing. Part 91 ?? 747SP's ??? A bit mysterious, huh ???

1st Jul 2004, 01:00
Was informed about this some time ago, and indeed these flights will be operated rather long range...LAX-... is 16 hours, a bit of a stretch with the holds full of refrigerators and plasma tv's.
As the principles have homes in HNL, room for even more furniture.:ooh:

1st Jul 2004, 01:19
got a call from them a few weeks back. Reached my voice mail, The person did not leave a call back number, said he would call back later but he never did.

1st Jul 2004, 02:59
Have you checked out their website? www.sweetwaterair.com same guy has a website for taylorair.com. Two weeks ago Taylor Air was 747's now it is BBJ's.

Time for someone to really check this out. Would hate for peopele to get taken. Too questionable.

3rd Jul 2004, 19:34
Cannot find out much about this operation. 747 SP's in HNL. Website address is a mail drop place. 747 was with Kalitta recently for maintenance. Seems it is going to be used to carry the injured out of war areas. Thoughts?