View Full Version : Pacific Blue wants new Auckland Airport

28th Jun 2004, 08:53
Pacific Blue Lobbies For Second Akld Airport
28/06/2004 02:03 PM - NewstalkZB

"Trans-Tasman airline Pacific Blue is lobbying the Prime Minister to make Whenuapai air base a commercial airport.

The no-frills carrier has written to Helen Clark and Cabinet is being briefed on the issue today.

Pacific Blue CEO Tony Marks says most communities the size of Auckland have at least two and sometimes three airports.

He says the city will need another airport at some stage and believes the best option is to take advantage of an established base.

Mr Marks says north of the Auckland Harbour Bridge is also the perfect location because it will not create more congestion on the current airport motorway."

I'm sure Helen will listen.....

28th Jun 2004, 09:20
Ah they seem to be doing what they were doing when they first started up in OZ, either wanting wanting wanting, or whinge whinge whinge.

Nothing like keeping your name in the public's eye! :yuk:

28th Jun 2004, 09:45
Isn't it the same as J* flying to Avalon.

I think it's because Auckland is so congested and is run by Air NZ.