View Full Version : easyjet A319 contract work

27th Jun 2004, 17:09
Can any easyJet bods in the know enlighten me as to whether easy will take A319 rated and experienced pilots for a fixed contract this winter or at all?

Just wondering if easy have enough guys for their requirements, or if interested parties could call someone within the company to find out?

All ideas and rumours appreciated!

29th Jun 2004, 14:52
I think that its unlikely that EZY will need contract guys for the Bus, speaking to someone yesterday it seems that they are well up on the numbers for the A 319...

Doug the Head
29th Jun 2004, 15:26
Couple of contract pilots work for EZY on the 737 though, LGW based, mostly from Transavia.

They are brought in via Parc, so give Žem a call. I suppose that Parc would also be the agency to talk to if there are any A319 contract jobs for EZY.

Hope this helps.