View Full Version : Future for GA (Gulf Air) ?

25th Jun 2004, 11:51
:cool: I wanted to ask about the next futere of this company since the concurrence is really tough in the Middle East...

I have been heard that ETIHAD should absorb their B767 fleet and if we think about EMIRATES , QR , and AIR ARABIA which is more and more competitive intra middle east ...what could be the fate of this old national company?

ANy one knows about theirs plans?

25th Jun 2004, 17:23
eh what ........?

25th Jun 2004, 17:57
Which airline is GA??? Did you mean Gulf Air (GF)?


26th Jun 2004, 03:52
yes GA is Gulf Air

27th Jun 2004, 00:57
ia1166 -

I think you were a bit out of line in your response. Just because someone doesn't know an IATA airline code does not necessarily mean they don't belong here. There are hundreds of such codes around the planet. I've been airline piloting for over 25 years and have over 14000+ heavy jet command time, including a fair amount of international flying and I can hardly keep up with the codes in my own country. Get anyone out of his region, and making errors in the codes is quite understandable.

I would never tell you that you didn't belong on the PPruNe forums if you didn't know that J9 is Air Tran Airways.

Nor would I even tell you the you didn't belong here because you said GA is general aviation, when, in fact, it is Garuda Indonesia Airlines.

27th Jun 2004, 05:37
agree...lighten up ia1166...Geezzz

27th Jun 2004, 05:52
All right. sorry.

28th Jun 2004, 03:31
No problems guys...Anyone then to reply about the future of GF?
rather to argue about GA or GF , which is without any doubts an exciting topic, isn't it?

Thanks for your answers.

5th Jul 2004, 11:33
....just heard, all new crew joining GF or GT will be base in Barhain....no more new joiner in Abu Dhabi!!!

Left Coaster
5th Jul 2004, 12:56
Heard from whom? And where is it written? No more Abu Dhabi? Clarify and edit required please. Do you mean to say AUH has been wiped off the map by someone? Gadzooks I hope the boys there are OK...

7th Jul 2004, 08:23
was told eithad will take over gf /ga ....soon

all ac of gf ga will be replaced ....eithad......

apply now to rba @ extinct..........

take care........we`re obsolete soon....

Left Coaster
7th Jul 2004, 11:42
And you heard this from whom? Please give us the details, I can't wait to hear...I know, maybe a ground handler or dutyfree sales person. You know, someone who is privy to the business plan of the company. But I will say that if you're right, I will be the first to tell ya so. In the meantime zip it!

7th Jul 2004, 18:23
I'm sorry but is anyone on this thread actually in GF, or in any position to know anything, or is this just another stir up the idle gossip post hoping to generate more rubbish.

Left Coaster
7th Jul 2004, 21:04
Maybe, but yet again, maybe not, this is a place where one never knows. PM works well...LC

9th Jul 2004, 01:40
Well judging by the loads on my flights GF and GT in particular, is doing exceptionally well. We all want perfection but it just aint going to happen. Look at this way, I have a good job because of Management, and they have a job because of me,and hard-working people like me. If you don't like it pee off and go somewhere else. How many airlines in the Middle East are doing the AQP thing? None that I know of,except GF/GT, and it is fantastic,compared to what we had in the past. People here are trying, and let me tell you, GF/GT may be small compared to some of you guys, but it is a great company to work for. Etihad may well absorb GT one day, but who knows?