View Full Version : Instrument training - FAR question

3rd Jun 2001, 09:46
I am working on my instrument rating in the US, and have 2 questions:

1) I understand that in order to log simulated instrument (hood) time, I need at least a PP in the right seat as safety. What about practice instrument approaches? The AIM (Chapter 4, paragraph 4-3-21) says nothing about requiring an instrument rating. But would this still be considered instrument training, and thereby require the safety?

2) If you can do the practice instrument approach as a non-instrument pilot, do you log simulated instrument time and the instrument approach?

Too many regulations for one man to remember at once!


3rd Jun 2001, 22:19
The reg is not that complicated. If you want to log simulated instrument time you must control the a/c solely by reference to the instruments (wear a hood or foggles). To do this you must have an appropriately rated safety pilot (category/class).

You can go out and fly practice approaches on your own but if you are not wearing a hood then you can't log them as instrument time.

Got it!
Chad McJannett
Sierra Academy of Aeronautics

Code Blue
4th Jun 2001, 02:36
<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">You can go out and fly practice approaches on your own</font>

I am sure you know, but anyway, I wouldn't advise trying this. See and Avoid doesn't work when you're fixated on the panel watching the needles dance. I know! http://www.pprune.org/ubb/NonCGI/redface.gif

<font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">appropriately rated safety pilot (category/class)</font>

In Canada this needs to be an IR rated instructor or CPL with IR, more than 500h TT and 50h in class. I don't know if the FARs have any specific requirement.

-.-- --.- -..-
[email protected]

4th Jun 2001, 11:40
Thanks, weasil and Code Blue. I found the answers in the FARs after a bit more searching.

(FYI: I don't think I have the cojones to try a practice ILS without a safety, I was just curious. =))

--... ...--

6th Jun 2001, 19:58
dont forget to get the safty pilot to sign your logbook after the flight.

West Coast
9th Jun 2001, 10:22
There is no requirement to have the safety pilot sign your logbook, there is no requirement for a private or higher rated pilot to even carry their logbook with them when they fly.