View Full Version : Is it time to move on?

18th May 2001, 23:54
I'm tired, pi$$ed off with teaching and feel like it is time for a change. Maybe time for an airline.

How long does it take to get really cheesed off with instruction?? I've got a 1000 hours and would an airline take me??

Not a good day........

fallen eagle
19th May 2001, 00:23
Hi you I think you should try sticking it out.Or maybe not if you are that hacked off at 1000 hrs perhaps instructing is not for you ,long term.Please dont get me wrong I am in no way suggesting you are not good at what you do,but I was still enjoying it at 10,000 hrs,but circumstances conspired to make it no longer a practicle way to earn a crust.Take break,its a good idea every 1000 or so.Do you just get all the drongos or get stuck in the circut.Why was it not a good day.Perhaps someone on the site can help with your probs.Chin up some of us are getting almost no time in the air,there is always someone worse off. Bye for now F.E.

Charlie Foxtrot India
19th May 2001, 15:21
If you really are tired of instructing then maybe it's not fair on your students to keep at it.
But instructing is no different to any other job, in that you only get something out of it if you put something into it.
We all get a bit jaded from time to time, which can indicate that it's maybe time to try and remember back to the days when you really enjoyed it, and why you wanted to be an instructor in the first place.