View Full Version : vechicles in dubai

17th Jun 2004, 05:16
Hey, how yas doing?
Just a question for all those living in and around Dubai,
anyone know if its expensive to own a car there?
Are cars expensive? What about rego ect? Insurance?
Petrol must be cheap...?

Are the roads good? whats the city speed limits and out on the HWY?
Thanks for ya help in advance!

17th Jun 2004, 06:09
Not much choice to be honest! Couldn't decide between the female and male Camels. They all seemed pretty miserable, had bad breath and BO and showed no interest in taking me anywhere!

Don't know about Aus but, cars are cheap compared to Europe. Top of the range Toyota 4x4 comes in at about $US38,000 (it would be 70k in the UK). Insurance would run to $800/year and petrol $1.33/gallon.

Roads are good, drivers are crap and the off roading is cool too. Most of the 4 lane roads in the city have 80 click speed limits with 120 on the highways and a 140 trigger point on the speed cameras.

Hope that helps!:zzz:

17th Jun 2004, 17:49

I can tell you that an aussie built Monaro is $20,000 cheaper here than in oz at the current exchange rate!!!!


17th Jun 2004, 20:36
Yes, cars are dirt cheap here, and if you have documents to prove no claim bonus rating one from back home, insurance is cheap (no car theft here), petrol is about 50 cents Australian a litre (depending on exchange rate). Driving is crazy but fun. Speed limits are generally 60kmh in city limits (with 20kmh buffer before speed camera flashes) and 120kmh on highways (with same speed camera buffer). Roads are great, especially if you buy a high performance car here, as you can open up on the 4 lane dead straight, flat highways and see what they can do. Enjoy!

17th Jun 2004, 23:54
Thanks for all ya imput fellas!!

Thats probably one reason why id rather live in DXB rather then HK, cars are far from cheap over there!!!

Anyone know what the cops are like with speeding? Huge fines?
When you say speed cameras...you mean cops standing with laser guns??? Or fixed speed cameras?
Also, you drive ont he right hand side of the road there right?>

Thanks again.

18th Jun 2004, 00:40
No car theft?

Old mate had his Cruiser stolen from his garage last month.

And the new fruit and vechicle market will open soon next to the used car complex in Dubai. Handy eh?


18th Jun 2004, 13:03
Not sure what car theft occurs within Dubai, but it was given as the destination for a number of high-value cars stolen in the UK, during a trial which ended yesterday. See article (http://www.manchesteronline.co.uk/news/s/121/121335_foiled__the_6m_racket_in_stolen_cars.html)

I remember an item on Top-gear a few years ago when the Dubai free-trade zone was shown to be very active in ringing cars stolen in the Far East and shipped to Europe! It was claimed that several hundred thousand cars had passed through Dubai in this way!!

18th Jun 2004, 14:46

Mainly fixed cameras but the odd hairdryer. Get a 200 dirham fine and thats it.

21st Jun 2004, 01:14
Thanks Ghostflyer.
Is that no matter what speed your doing? Damn, not like oz thats for sure!!! What about license? Do you have demerit points too?
Easy to loose ya license?

What kind of vehicles do the cops use there?


max AB
21st Jun 2004, 17:56
Aussie, What are you after here mate....? a real life version of Grand Theft Auto? If so then maybe DXB is for you. Car theft happens but not a big a deal like in Oz. (In summer every second car is left running in the carparks...) Driving is chaos, the place is full of idiots doing what they want at any speed and the cops pull over the good drivers to give them a bumper sticker.....?? If you want to drive fast in a fast car then it is cheap here...but then again so is life, as the road death toll is one of the worst in the world!

Muttley Crew
22nd Jun 2004, 09:08
cops use mercs, BMWs and commondores.

speed cams set at large margins over the limit which get larger as the zone limit increases.

occasional tripod or car-mounted camera but the rest are fixed and only the local idiots are stupid enough to get snapped by them.

But in truth they are very good drivers and never seen speeding at like 170 on the shoulder with blacked out windows and child on the dash or riding an inch off your rear bumper and perennially about to lose it and wrap around a pole so they have nothing to worry about.

I've learnt a lot about good driving from observing the habits of the drivers in the ME and recommend it to anyone wishing to improve their skills. They are very proficient.............

Anyway they usually know "the shake" and yell and scream until the fines are dropped as adults do. Wish I could get away with it.....

24th Jun 2004, 06:33
Do many people ride motorbikes? Or is it just too dangerous.

24th Jun 2004, 09:31
Lotta guys have Harleys and tend to do the club/ride with mates stuff.... a lot safer as riding in groups usually gives a little more protection from the lunatics.

Some have sportsbikes, they are cheap, but you may not see your next birthday given the way people drive here.

Usually too hot in summer, perfect bike weather in winter tho with 20 - 30 degree range.

A new track is being built so ride days may become a reality...can only hope.

24th Jun 2004, 22:38

More bikes here than you can poke a stick at mate.

99% are Hero-Honda.

What is it with these HH riders? Are they all on a death wish riding on the shoulder or between the lanes doing 2/3 the speed of the traffic around them?

Are they rev limited to 1500rpm or something?


27th Jun 2004, 05:36
From the UK embassy site...

Penalties for drugs trafficking, smuggling and possession are severe in the Gulf States. If you have used drugs prior to arrival in the UAE and a blood test on you for illegal drug usage proves positive, you can still be charged with a criminal offence. In general the sentence for taking drugs is a minimum of four years in prison and a minimum of seven years for anyone found dealing in drugs. It can take up to six months or more for trials involving drug offences to be completed. During this time the accused remains in custody on the basis that the eventual sentence will be longer than time already served.

Do dress in a modest way, covering at least tops of arms and legs. Don't wear tight clothes.

Don't behave in a manner that might insult Muslim sensitivities, customs and beliefs.

Don't make rude gestures or swear - you could be taken to court and face a severe fine and/or detention. Public displays of affection are frowned upon.

Penalties for illegal possession, sale or importation of alcohol are severe and can result in fines and a custodial sentence if you commit another offence at the same time.

Don't take pornography into the UAE - videos and books are often checked and may be retained by customs officials and charged with criminal offence.

In the UAE, drinking is allowed in your own home if you are non-Muslim and hold a valid liquor licence. There are a large number of licensed hotels but these are strictly speaking designed to serve alcohol to their own hotel guests only. Muslim sensitivities to alcohol should be observed and it is an offence to be drunk in public. The following punishment is prescribed by the Alcoholic Beverages:

"Anyone arrested drunk in public places shall evidently be punished by imprisonment for a period not less than two months and not more than one year, and shall be fined not less than 500 Dhs and not more than 2,000 Dhs. Without prejudice to any other penalty stipulated by the Penal Code or any other law."

In essence the above means that if another crime is committed whilst under the influence of alcohol eg fighting or damage to property the punishment received will be that much more severe and can on occasion be followed by deportation.

The UAE has one of the highest death rates per capita due to traffic accidents. With the exception of rental cars in Abu Dhabi, driving is not permitted on a valid UK licence or International Driving licence in the UAE - if you are planning to drive in the UAE, you should contact the local Traffic Department about getting a licence. In Abu Dhabi, visitors can drive hire cars using a UK International drivers' licence. In Dubai, a visitor can drive a hire car only with a valid local temporary license. This can be arranged by the rental company on production of a valid UK licence, or a valid international licence issued in the UK.

Do observe speed limits, people caught driving at more than 100 km/h in a 60 km/h zone can be punished by a week in prison, with their vehicle being impounded for one month.

Don't drink and drive - offenders can incur detention, severe fines and prison sentences. Although the standard of driving in the UAE can at some times be haphazard, road rage is not tolerated. As mentioned above people who react by giving rude gestures or verbal abuse should expect to receive a custodial sentence and/or fine.

If you have a motor accident to remain with your vehicle. It is an offence to leave or move your vehicle from the scene of the accident before the police have arrived.

27th Jun 2004, 10:09
Max AB

Spot on. I dont know how you were able to stop at that. :ok:


Come over and take a look at the dive, particularly in summer.
Unfortunately mate you have no idea what a great country you are wanting to get out of. Pay your 50 odd% tax and stay in a free, democratic and "normal" country.
If you want total dictatorship, a company controlling your every bit of lifestyle, no job protection, pitiful super scheme and abhorent inflation, then make your move.

27th Jun 2004, 13:16
Two Dogs,

Not sure about some of the points brought up.....

Dress code in Al Ain must be more strict than than Dubai, else all the hookers would be behind bars (Not those sort of bars).

Hotels serve booze only to their guests seems like a long bow with so many pubs here in dubai, unless anyone one who stumbles in is a guest.

Can't drive a hire car on a standard foreign licence. My wife and l drove a hire car for three months on Oz licences without a problem. No international licence required and drove straight away.

Small story: A mate of mine had a few beers at his local and drove home in Victoria, Australia. A more pissed bugger walks out from behind parked cars and mate hits him at 40kmh. Pister bugger ends up in hospital with minor abrasions
Old mate ends up in lock-up for the night as he was DUI, and is raped several times by some regulars.

Whats so different between there and the ME?

No gilding the lilly but if you have nothing to hide or worry about then life is fine.


Maybe Aus mate has no better offer at home than to come here.

"Free and democratic", like branch stacking the Botany ALP candidate run to get some weird outspoken green in the seat after some pathetic has-been retires! Whats democratic about that!

All the other points by both contributers are quite salient though!!!


Muttley Crew
27th Jun 2004, 13:32
you don't need a booze licence to drink in your own home.

the piss permit allows you to purchase booze and transport to your home provided it is for consumption by you, your family or friends and not a national.

if you buy your plonk elsewhere you don't need a permit although it could be argued (by a pedant) (mustnag???) that without a permit you cannot transport it to your home.

at least, that's how the fine print in the permit reads..........

halas, driving the car is one thing and I don't know the legalities and neither, I suspect does anyone else in the UAE.

but being covered by the rental company's dodgy (as with everything else) insurance is quite another thing. recent reports indicate foreign or international licence holders mightn't covered, at least as far as the rental company is concerned.

who's right? who knows... whoever knows the shake, i spose. hey that rhymes.....

28th Jun 2004, 05:20
Three years ago had a Hertz, and insurance etc was fine.

Two years ago Budget with all the waivers and not a problem, even after a minor altercation that had the Dubai police in attendance. As far as the rental company was concerned - no worries mate! No extra charge as was the agreement.


28th Jun 2004, 07:11
If you want total dictatorship, a company controlling your every bit of lifestyle, no job protection, pitiful super scheme and abhorent inflation, then make your move.

As I have said before each to their own, but firstly, "total dictatorship"?? As a Western expat here, if you live within certain cultural limits (which are pretty relaxed in my opinion) you have a very free and rewarding life here. I would take the ruling family here any day over Johnny Howard and his mates. When you consider Income tax, GST, Superannuation surcharge, Capital gains tax, stamp duty, medicare levy, astronomical tax on cigarettes, alcohol and petrol, you will find 50% of salary on tax is a very conservative estimate.

As far as your comment on "abhorent inflation"??? Cars are still dirt cheap here, even with the recent increase in fuel prices, fuel is dirt cheap. Accomodation provided for by company so increase in housing is not my concern. In the 2 years I have been here have not seen much of an increase in price in most things. The worsening US dollar has had an effect but that is cyclical and you take the good with the bad.

To give a positive, "glass half full" outlook, other than 4 months of the year, the weather here is perfect, the nightlife is great fun, the restaurants are world class, the hotels are amazing (and during those bad 4 months of the year, hotels are dirt cheap). Unlike Oz, you are within 8 hrs flight time to basically the rest of the world, as far as travel goes (the Americas and Australia obviously being the exceptions). The education for your kids while, yes expensive (although in my case again paid for by company), is first class. Crime here as far as burglary, assault, rape, car theft is almost non-existent, and certainly much lower than even Australia. A couple of hours drive Nth or East and you have great snorkelling, diving and fishing. Best of all you get to live in a different culture, and if you embrace that you come away much richer for the experience.

So yes there are negatives, but I found living under the John Howard regime, watching innocent desperate people locked up like animals in Woomera etc. a huge negative and embarrasement when in Australia. But as I said each to their own. All I will say is anyone considering coming here to work and live, try and visit before and come with an open mind knowing it is not Australia, but that can be a good thing.